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Due to a lack of proof, the gangster Aman Sahu was exonerated in Ranchi. Two extortion charges were also launched

 Due to a lack of proof, the gangster Aman Sahu was exonerated in Ranchi. Two extortion charges were also launched

Aman Sahu, a criminal, was exonerated in two extortion cases by Ranchi's Judicial Magistrate Praveen Oraon's court owing to a lack of evidence. In this case, not a single witness appeared in court. The prosecution was given many opportunities by the court to provide evidence in support of the charges, but no witnesses could be called.

Due to a lack of evidence, criminal Aman Sahu was exonerated by Ranchi Judicial Magistrate Praveen Oraon in two extortion cases. In this case, not a single witness appeared in court.

The prosecution had been given many extensions of time by the court to provide evidence in support of the charges, but no witnesses could be called.

Let us inform you that Laleshwar Mahato and Abdullah Ansari filed both charges at the Khalari police station in response to the occurrence of requesting an extortion of 60 lakhs.

A FIR was filed in 2020

In 2020, both FIRs were filed. He identified himself as the shooter of the criminal Sujit Sinha when he called Aman Sahu.

identities of witness informants Laleshwar Mahato, D Prajapati, Tulsi Saav, and Bharat Kumar Vishwakarma, as well as the identities of the investigating officer Biku Kumar Rajak, were mentioned in the first case.

Therefore, Aman Sahu was found not guilty

In the second case, the informant Abdullah was also named along with Firoz Ansari, Ashiq Ansari, Sunil Singh, Sonu Thakur, and two investigating officers, Rakesh Kumar Singh and Ahmed Ali.

Despite the court issuing warrants against each of these witnesses, none of them showed up to testify in court, which favoured the accused Aman Sahu. Because there was insufficient evidence in both incidents, the court exonerated the defendants.

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