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Brazilian student on school bus passes away while waving to friends after hitting her head on a pole

 Brazilian student on school bus passes away while waving to friends after hitting her head on a pole

Witnesses claimed that the young woman stuck her head out of the bus' left-side window to wave to her buddies.

A student in Brazil tragically perished after she leaned out of a bus window and smacked her head on a concrete pole, according to a New York Post story. The event occurred on August 16 while 13-year-old Fernanda Pacheco Ferraz was travelling back home from Professor Carlos Cortes State College in Nova Friburgo, close to Rio de Janeiro.

Witnesses claimed that the young woman stuck her head out of the bus' left-side window to wave to her buddies. Unfortunately, the girl's head struck a concrete pole at the same moment the bus driver "swerved to avoid oncoming traffic" down the road.

The passengers on board warned the driver after she hit the pole with her head, and he stopped the car right away. The bus driver immediately alerted the necessary authorities and the management group of the business.

The girl, however, had a catastrophic brain injury and passed away prior to the arrival of emergency personnel.

According to the Independent, the bus operator issued a statement expressing "regret at the unexpected and tragic incident" and promising to help with the inquiry. 

After the teen's passing, the Rio de Janeiro State Department of Education also made a statement establishing a two-day period of mourning.

The State Office of Education issued a statement saying, "The Secretary of State for Instruction apologises deeply for the accident which happened with a student attending the State College Professor Carlos Cortes on Wednesday, August 16 during her drive back to her house in the Catarcione neighbourhood, in Nova Friburgo."

On August 17, at 4.30 p.m., young people was laid to rest in the Trilha do Ceu Cemetery. Police are currently looking into the event. 

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