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Why does the Biden administration aim to prevent sunlight from entering the earth's atmosphere?

 Why does the Biden administration aim to prevent sunlight from entering the earth's atmosphere?

Such study, whose goal is to stop the sun from shining on the planet, is being promoted by Joe Biden's Democratic administration in America. It has been said that the focus would be on solar geoengineering methods to save the earth in the analysis of the White House's scientific and technological Policy.

Does the American Democratic government aim to prevent sunlight from reaching the earth? It's true, if a claim from Joe Biden's White House is to be believed.

To prohibit solely the sun's beams from reaching the earth, the Biden administration has decided to support such scientific projects. And all of this work is being done to save the entire planet, not just one particular nation. According to the article, the government is taking these actions to combat global warming.

Which methods will be effective

The US government has made the decision to fund these innovative approaches to combating climate change. Techniques like Stratospheric Aerosol Injection (SAI), Marine Cloud Brightening, and Cirrus Cloud Thinning are being proposed as solar geoengineering solutions for this.

A unique team will work on this

The Biden administration is researching on geoengineering solar power technologies that will work to restrict the light from the Sun travelling towards the Earth, according to research that is currently published on the White House website. The White House Office of Science and Technology Studies, which is presented to Congress, released this report. A special team will work on this, according to the report.

a campaign pledge

The Democratic administration of Joe Biden is attempting to keep that electoral promise through this. Biden pledged during the last election to focus particularly on combating climate change And as a result, the effects of global warming will be lessened globally. These methods will make the sun's rays weaker and lighter so that the earth's temperature can be lowered.

must comprehend some concepts

In order to address climate change, it has been emphasised in this report that additional study is required in order to comprehend the earth's intricate structure. The significance of comprehending the advantages and risks of such activities has been emphasised in this. In particular, the Consolidation Appropriations Act of 2022 calls for the creation of a framework for research governance to enable public funding of solar geoengineering.

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