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The Vidhansabha's monsoon session was postponed amid a commotion, and former chief minister Kamal Nath aired several concerns about the administration

 The Vidhansabha's monsoon session was postponed amid a commotion, and former chief minister Kamal Nath aired several concerns about the administration

MPpolitics. A few hours later, on July 12, the Madhya Pradesh Legislative Assembly's monsoon session came to an end. The Congress protested the assembly session's adjournment. Kamal Nath, the president of the state congress, stated that all of this was sponsored. Even without the petition for postponement, the government is not prepared to address the state's citizens.

Bhopal. The decision to postpone the final monsoon session before the assembly elections has caused a great deal of controversy in Madhya Pradesh. The administration, according to the opposition, is not prepared to confront pressing societal challenges. Kamal Nath, the president of the state congress, stated that numerous subjects were anticipated to be tackled in the previous session. However, they are not even prepared to confront the public's inquiries, let alone the suggestion. All of this, according to Kamal Nath, was sponsored. Every programme had previously been adjusted. So, the meeting was over early.

State Congress President Kamal Nath proclaimed that this assembly's session, which had been scheduled to run for five days, was the final one before it was adjourned. We expected to talk about in 5 days. However, the assembly's monsoon session was brief, lasting only a few hours. Our lone demand was an end to the crimes against the indigenous people. making a move for postponement over that. They reject the move for adjournment, but at least they are open to debate. Talking about the Mahakal Scam, inflation, or unemployment was not on their agenda. In front of our Madhya Pradesh voters are images of the whole state. Every group is distressed and depressed, and these folks are aware of this. That is why they will soon conclude the final session.

No location in MP is ideal, according to Kamal Nath PCC chairman Kamal Nath, who cited the Patwari fraud as an illustration of inconsistencies in the Patwari test. In Madhya Pradesh, an event of some sort occurs every day. He expressed sadness that the block and district's story did not receive more attention. Madhya Pradesh is now known as a fraud state. He claimed that there is mayhem everywhere because of the cheetah deaths. Whether cheetahs or tribe members die, this is an instance in which the algorithm is accurate.

Kamal Nath stated that the Jhabua tragedy had evolved into a system. There is corruption on every level. Donate money to find a job. Their stance is as stated. If you own a lot of land, donate money and your name will be put to the list of those who live in poverty.

The people would undoubtedly respond, the home minister claimed.

The Congress MLAs had to leave to maintain quiet, according to Home Minister Narottam Mishra, when the assembly's business was postponed in advance. The other MLAs had to leave after Kamal Nath, who had left first. That's why they caused a commotion and interfered with the House's business. The opposition's behaviour is completely unacceptable. The public will vote in the next assembly elections.

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