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Success Story: After having to drop out of school owing to financial constraints, PG from America went on to become the CEO of this enormous corporation

 Success Story: After having to drop out of school owing to financial constraints, PG from America went on to become the CEO of this enormous corporation

Success Story: After having to drop out of school owing to financial constraints, PG from America went on to become the CEO of this enormous corporation

Success Story: All of the world's major corporations now have Indian CEOs. His experience is really motivating for everyone. The CEO of the enormous Deloitte, Puneet Renjen, has a success tale that we will present today. He mostly calls Rohtak, Haryana, home.

Success Story: Achieving success is not simple. It calls for commitment, diligence, and unflinching trust in oneself. Puneet Renjen, global CEO of Deloitte, is a prime example of this approach. He has chosen his path to success, which will take him from associate consultant to CEO. Punit Renjen's journey, who was born and reared in Rohtak, Haryana

Due to financial difficulties, Punit Renjen, a citizen of Rohtak, Haryana, had to stop attending school. But his need for knowledge persisted. He graduated from a Rohtak-based institution. He was awarded the renowned Rotary Scholarship in 1984. It would smooth the door for him to travel to America. His master's degree was earned in America.

formerly brought a tape recorder to class

He had a hard time understanding the American accent in class while studying there. He used to sit in the class with a tape recorder to get around this difficulty. in order to record the full lecture and listen to it afterwards.

1990 joined Deloitte

Puneet's career reached a turning point when a local magazine named him one of the top 10 pupils. After that, in 1989, he was hired by Deloitte. After that, he advanced in his career and, in 2015, was named CEO of Deloitte. He holds the distinction of being Deloitte's first CEO of Asian heritage.

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