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Since Shankaracharya arrived here 1200 years ago, a magnificent Shiva temple has been built here, serving as a significant spiritual hub

Since Shankaracharya arrived here 1200 years ago, a magnificent Shiva temple has been built here, serving as a significant spiritual hub

The Pachmatha Temple is located near Rewa beside the Bihar River. Where is the Lord Shiva temple? This location has grown to be a significant centre for spirituality and awe in Rewa City. Shankaracharya once sought sanctuary in this location.

Rewa is a well-known spiritual hub and is home to the Pachmatha Temple, where Adi Shankaracharya sought sanctuary. The primary centre of devotion and faith is located here. Here is where a very old Shiva temple is located. Where deeply religious and devoted people travel to this lovely location to see Shiva. Adi Guru Shankaracharya has further elevated the significance of this location.

The report indicates that Adi Shankaracharya travelled to Deshatan to create Sanatan Dharma around 1200 years ago. He founded four monasteries before arriving at Rewa in 818. He had established his ashram close to the Pachmatha temple during the time. He stayed since he really enjoyed this place. He had built the temple along the Bihar River's banks.

Fifth monastery to be built in Rewa

At that time, this region had a higher concentration of Buddhists. He declared the founding of Sanatan Dharma while we were discussing and stated that the fifth Math will be founded at Rewa. With his successor Vijayendra, Shankaracharya Jayendra Saraswati of Kanchikamkoti arrived in 1986. Additionally, he had stated that there was evidence of Rewa's stay and the founding of the fifth Math during Adi Shankaracharya's visit.

construction of the Pachmatha Temple

The government is currently working to enhance this location's temple and riverbanks after realising its significance. The Pachmatha temple will be restored below. The grandeur of this temple will be further enhanced by its waterfront construction. This project is almost finished.

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