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Railway signal was breached in Panshkura, Bengal, and both loco pilots of the Ahmedabad Express were found guilty in Jharkhand

 Railway signal was breached in Panshkura, Bengal, and both loco pilots of the Ahmedabad Express were found guilty in Jharkhand

Railway signal was breached in Panshkura, Bengal, and both loco pilots of the Ahmedabad Express were found guilty in Jharkhand

The Railways found the Howrah-Ahmedabad train's Chief Loco Pilot R Khalkho and Assistant Loco Pilot AK Das guilty of driving a train by disobeying the red signal at West Bengal's Panskura railway station in the departmental preliminary inquiry report. The event was immediately attributed to both loco pilots by all the authorities, who said that both of them disregarded the alert.

Jagran Correspondent, Chakradharpur: According to the departmental preliminary study report, R Khalkho, the Howrah-Ahmedabad train's chief loco pilot, and AK Das, the assistant loco pilot, were found guilty of operating a train against the red light at the West Bengal railway station of Panskuda.

Following a joint investigation, all the authorities declared both loco pilots to be directly at fault for the accident and stated that they both handled the train carelessly by disobeying the signal.

What the world was going on?

Let us inform you that the Howrah-Ahmedabad train violated the red signal at Panshkuda Railway Station at one o'clock on Friday night by travelling 253 metres past the red signal. As a result, both loco pilots were suspended immediately, and an inquiry committee was formed.

In order to determine who was at fault, the joint investigation team examined the train's chief loco pilot R Khalkho, assistant loco pilot AK Das, train management R Sharma of Chakradharpur, station master Saurav Bhattacharya of Panshkuda, and pointsman Mahadev Kar.

Kharagpur C&W JE PK Chhotu, Panshkura Signal SSE S Sinha, PVE SSE D Paul, CDTI SK Singh, and Kharagpur CLI JN Subudhi all examined the crime scene.

After that, he stated that both loco pilots had driven carelessly and ignored the signal when delivering the joint investigation report.

Aside from this, the train advanced by 253 metres by overshooting the beginning signal. Following the release of the investigative report, the Railways may now make a final judgement about both loco pilots.

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