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MP Election: A change made last year allows candidates to spend up to Rs. 40 lakh during the Madhya Pradesh assembly elections

 MP Election: A change made last year allows candidates to spend up to Rs. 40 lakh during the Madhya Pradesh assembly elections

Election Commission activity has increased in anticipation of the Madhya Pradesh assembly elections, in addition to that of the political parties. Senior authorities and the Commission met to discuss the upcoming elections at the end of the year. The candidates running in the elections this time will be permitted to spend more money than they could in 2018.

Bhopal. Madhya Pradesh will hold elections for its legislature at the end of the year. Regarding this, state political enthusiasts are at their zenith. Major political party leaders have started to participate. Election trip preparations have also begun. Election meetings are often held by top leaders. The parties are making an effort to communicate their message to the people. The Election Commission has also intensified its own preparations in the middle of all of this. In light of the assembly election preparations, the Election Commission team met with the officials. The candidates running in the assembly elections this time will have greater financial freedom than in the previous elections. The Election Commission has already said that the cap on election expenditures will be raised in 2022.

In the 2018 assembly elections, candidates were given a 28 rupee spending cap. Later on, there was a call to change it since the maximum amount that could be spent on elections was deemed to be too low. Following this, the Election Commission established a committee while considering the circumstance and the request of the political parties. The Election Commission agreed to raise the amount invested by competitors in the Lok Sabha and Vidhansabha elections following the committee's proposal. In this way, candidates for the Lok Sabha and Vidhansabha elections were permitted to spend more money than before.

The cap was set at Rs. 28 lakh in 2018

In Madhya Pradesh, the most recent legislative elections were conducted in 2028. The spending cap for assembly elections at the time was Rs 28 lakh. Accordingly, a candidate running in the assembly elections may only spend up to Rs 28 lakh. Last year, the Election Commission upped the maximum amount that may be spent to Rs. 40 lakh in response to a request by political parties. Candidates may now spend up to Rs. 40 lakh on the assembly elections thanks to this. The updated spending cap is also valid for the assembly elections in Madhya Pradesh. Spending limits for candidates would increase by Rs 12 lakh from the last election. An estimate indicates that a total rs2500 crore

Important Election Commission discussion

Madhya Pradesh will hold elections for its legislature at the end of the year. Along with the political parties in such a circumstance, the Election Commission has also started to function. A delegation from the Commission arrived in Bhopal to observe the election preparations. After meeting with the state's accountable authorities, the Election Commission team assessed the situation. The commission has issued directives to monitor chartered aircraft. Additionally, directives have been issued to finalise all transactions relating to the elections by July 31.

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