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Jharkhand politics: The BJP is uncertain about the head of the Legislature Party after JP Patel was unable to win over everyone's support

Jharkhand politics: The BJP is uncertain about the head of the Legislature Party after JP Patel was unable to win over everyone's support

Politics in Jharkhand The name of Jayaprakash Bhai Patel is absent from the name slip that the majority of MLAs had provided to Ashwini Choubey, the Central Supervisor. In this race, they are unable to stand anywhere. Legislators assert that they are constrained by partisan loyalty, nevertheless. Before the core leadership is chosen, one of them will not function. They'll abide by any judgements made by the top leadership.

Ranchi: The choice to choose the BJP Legislature Party leader is still up in the air in Jharkhand. Ashwini Choubey, a prominent leader and Union Minister, has been dispatched here by the central leadership to consult with the MLAs on this matter.

Choubey met with MLAs

Following the MLA meeting, Choubey visited with each party's MLA individually. The BJP MLAs were instructed to leave their own names and list three candidates for the position of leader at this meeting.

They informed the central leadership of their choice as instructed by the MLAs. Here, the screw is becoming jammed. Considering the OBC votes, the speed with which Mandu MLA Jayprakash Bhai's name was

He couldn't tolerate opinion polls with the MLAs because of the OBC votes and how quickly Mandu MLA Jayprakash Bhai Patel's name was brought up.

In most slips, Jayaprakash Bhai Patel's name is absent

The name slip that the majority of MLAs gave to Ashwini Choubey, the central supervisor, does not include Jayaprakash Bhai Patel. In this race, they are unable to stand anywhere. Legislators assert that they are constrained by partisan loyalty, nevertheless. Before the core leadership is chosen, one of them will not function.

They'll abide by any judgements made by the top leadership. Dr. Laxmikant Vajpayee, the BJP's state in-charge, has promised the MLAs that the decision will be made in accordance with their views.

Additionally, there is internal party pressure to limit leadership elections to MLAs who have a history of affiliation with the party. The names of CP Singh, Biranchi Narayan, Anant Ojha, and other individuals have reportedly been recommended to the central leadership, according to information from various MLAs. The top leadership must make the final choice.

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