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PM Modi still exudes charisma! reclaimed his position as the world's most popular leader, leaving Biden and Sunak in the dust

PM Modi still exudes charisma! reclaimed his position as the world's most popular leader, leaving Biden and Sunak in the dust

 PM Modi still exudes charisma! reclaimed his position as the world's most popular leader, leaving Biden and Sunak in the dust

PM Narendra Modi, the leader with the greatest following in the world: PM Narendra Modi continues to be the most well-liked leader in the world. With a 76 percent popularity rating, Prime Minister Modi is still the most well-liked leader in the world. Alain Berset, the president of Switzerland, is ranked second after Prime Minister Modi in the who have been released Morning Consult Global Leader Approval Rating.

In Delhi. PM Narendra Modi has once more been successful in maintaining his top spot among the world's leaders in terms of popularity. With an amazing approval rating of 76 percent, Prime Minister Narendra Modi maintains his title as the most popular leader in the world. The US-based research company Morning Consult's recently published Global Leader Approval Rating has confirmed this. Alain Berset, the president of Switzerland, follows PM Modi, who is then followed by Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador, the president of Mexico.

In Morning Consult's assessment of 22 world leaders based on their approval ratings, US President Joe Biden is placed eighth, and UK Prime Minister Rishi Sunak is ranked thirteenth. The most recent assessments of PM Modi are based on information gathered from this month's seventh to thirteenth. The replies of adult citizens in each nation are averaged over a seven-day period using this procedure. The size of the sample in this study varies by nation. Significantly, Prime Minister Modi had already been rated highest prior to this.

Modi: 76%

59% for López Obrador, 54% for Albanese

52% Meloni

51% for Lula da Silva

Biden: 40%

Garcia: 40%

Cameron: 40%

8% Scholz

Sunak: 31%

6% Macron

Following PM Modi, Presidents Alain Berset of Switzerland and Andrés Manuel López Obrador of Mexico both had approval ratings of 60% and 59%, respectively. While the approval rating for Australia's Prime Minister Anthony Albanese was 54 percent, that of Italy's Prime Minister Georgia Meloni was 52 percent, and that of Brazil's President Lula da Silva was 51 percent. Joe Biden, the vice president of the United States, Justin Trudeau, the prime minister of Canada, Rishi Sunak, the prime minister of Great Britain, and Emmanuel Macron, the president of France, are among the leaders with approval ratings under 50%.

The fact that PM Modi continually has a high approval rating shows how well-liked he is among Indians. Many people in the country have seen good changes as a result of his government's accomplishments and initiatives. This has cemented his standing as a highly esteemed leader on a global scale. While these approval ratings give insight into how the public feels about international leaders, it's crucial to remember that public opinion can change over time and is influenced by a variety of factors. PM Modi, however, frequently outperforms his rivals in these polls, underscoring the broad public support he receives both locally and abroad.

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