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Under PM Modi's leadership, India may respond to Pakistan in a way that befits the gravity of the situation.

 Under PM Modi's leadership, India may respond to Pakistan in a way that befits the gravity of the situation.

More than ever, India can use military action to retaliate against Pakistan's provocations under the direction of Prime Minister Narendra Modi. The American Intelligence Community's annual threat assessment report contains this information.

ANI, New Delhi.

Prime Minister Narendra Modi has increased India's ability to use military force to counter Pakistani provocations. This information was included in the American Intelligence Community's annual threat assessment report. The research claims that the conflict between India and Pakistan is really serious. Be aware that Pakistan has a lengthy history of funding terrorist organisations that target India.

According to the source, India may use military force to retaliate against the allegedly provocative actions of Pakistan on PM Modi's direction. The major issue between India and Pakistan, according to the research, is that they both possess nuclear weapons. But, after the ceasefire between the two sides on the Line of Control is resumed in early 2021, New Delhi and Islamabad are eager to maintain the current calm in their ties.

Pakistan backs terrorist organisations hostile to India.

According to the research, Pakistan has a long history of funding terrorist organisations that target India. In the event that Pakistan provokes India in any way, India will be able to respond later.

There are more military activities taking place everywhere.

The intelligence community's comprehensive knowledge is reflected in this annual report on risks to American national security on a global scale. According to this analysis, the likelihood of interstate conflict is rising as a result of countries' expanding military operations across a wide range of geographical areas.

growth in poverty

The protracted conflict between Ukraine and Russia, according to the research, has hampered economic growth and worsened inequality by fueling the spread of the coronavirus epidemic and a rise in poverty. The research claims that the continuing crisis in Ukraine has shown how interstate conflict can directly damage the parties involved while also having a wide range of regional, national, and international security, economic, and humanitarian ramifications.

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