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Jharkhand CM Hemant Soren: "We believe in implementing projects on the ground, not on paper."

 Jharkhand CM Hemant Soren: "We believe in implementing projects on the ground, not on paper."

Jagran Correspondent in Ranchi. The District Literacy Committee, Ranchi, is accelerating the Navbharat Literacy Program in the district. Children over 15 who are dropouts or have abandoned their education for any reason are eligible for the Navbharat Literacy Program.

These kids are given the chance to participate in the program's assessment in addition to their academic work with the aid of NIOS. In 18 testing locations throughout the district, the exam will start on March 19.

Jharkhand According to Chief Minister Hemant Soren, his administration believes in putting plans into action rather than only on paper. The previous administrations simply created action plans on paper, but the current administration has demonstrated that it is possible to implement plans that are only on paper. the State Bureau of Ranchi According to Chief Minister Hemant Soren, his government believes in putting plans into action rather than only on paper.

The previous administrations simply created action plans on paper, but their current administration has demonstrated that it is possible to implement plans in practise in addition to on paper.

These remarks were made by the Chief Minister on Saturday during a private channel programme.

He claimed that our administration had tried to open several doors of employment for the local poor, farmers, labourers, and needy individuals during the global pandemic. Many self-employment plans were put into action.

According to the chief minister, our administration has done the work of connecting people with various programmes through the "Sarkari Aapke Dwar" and "Aapki Yojana-Aapki Sarkar-Aapke Dwar" programmes by visiting village panchayats and panchayats.

The state administration is moving quickly to create water, electricity, roads, and other infrastructure, according to the chief minister.

In the state, the issues with electricity have also been rectified. In Naxalite-affected areas, our government has also accomplished a great deal of amazing things. Before, neither the city's residents nor those in Budha Pahad could muster the confidence to visit the other. Our government has already taken steps to remedy the situation.

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