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Angered by her parents' criticism for using her phone, a 13-year-old girl ran away with her boyfriend and later emerged from Ranchi station

 Angered by her parents' criticism for using her phone, a 13-year-old girl ran away with her boyfriend and later emerged from Ranchi station.

The child ran away from home because she was furious that she had received a reprimand for using a mobile phone at home while her brother was ignored. He's been found and brought back to Ranchi Station.

Dhanbad Jagran Correspondent. The family of the missing child from Saraydhela Sahyog Nagar has found him at Ranchi station. The minor had a phone, but it was off. Since Sunday, his relatives have been looking for him. In the police station in Saraidhela, a written complaint was also made.

As the girl turned on her mobile phone in the late evening, her father contacted her and asked, "Where are you? The family is frightened, and the police are also looking for you." The girl then informed the family that she was in Ranchi. The girl's family then left for Ranchi, and the minor arrived at the same station. Afterwards he travelled to Dhanbad with his family.

Running the cellphone did not cause the family members to become upset.

The minor found in Ranchi station was also questioned by authorities from Saraidhela police station. The young person admitted to the police that she had driven to Ranchi in a fit of rage with a boy buddy. In fact, he frequently received criticism from the family for using his phone at home. While his brother receives no comments from the family. This information was included in the juvenile girl's police statement. She is holding back on sharing any information with the authorities about the boy who the kid had travelled to Ranchi with.

being absent from home on Sunday because of rage

It is possible that you are aware that a 13-year-old girl from Saraidhela Sahyog Nagar Sector 3A went missing from her home on Sunday. His father had requested an investigation from the Saraidhela police station. The young person was also being sought by the Saraidhela police. The minor's family learned about his presence in Ranchi in the meantime. On Sunday morning at nine o'clock, the young girl left the house and did not come back.

Upon retrieval, police will take a statement

His family was concerned that he had been coaxed somewhere by someone. On the basis of the father of the missing girl's allegation, officers at the Saraidhela police station had filed a kidnapping case against the unidentified. The police will now record the girl's statement under Section 164 in court since she has been found.

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