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With a global vision for the coming decade, Corefactors celebrates its 10th anniversary and ushers in a new era

 With a global vision for the coming decade, Corefactors celebrates its 10th anniversary and ushers in a new era

CoreFactors, one of the fastest growing B2B SaaS companies, celebrated its 10th anniversary on 10 February with the launch of next-gen customer relationship management software that aims to enable RevOps and automate business processes across the customer lifecycle.

New Delhi (India), February 24: CoreFactors, one of the fastest growing B2B SaaS companies, celebrated its 10th anniversary on February 10 with the launch of next-gen customer relationship management software that aims to enable RevOps and To automate business processes around the world. Customer Lifecycle. The solution continuously analyzes and manages processes in a way that maximizes customer lifetime value and revenue for the organization.

In her opening keynote address, Ms. Sharmila Sundaram, Co-Founder and CEO, CoreFactors, shared that she and Mr. Vimal Murali, Co-Founder and Chief Customer Success Officer, started the company in 2013 with a vision to solve problems in the sales and marketing sector. It was From the very beginning, Corefactors focused on creating a culture that is empathetic to customers, innovates and co-creates and is process driven, allowing them to easily build multiple customizable solutions to fit different business models and processes along the way Helped to get

Within the first few years, CoreFactors teamed up with 100 businesses across industries to understand the issues and challenges they face to achieve optimal efficiency and grow rapidly. Seeing the proliferation of multiple tools for different teams and the growth of silos between teams leading to revenue leakage, CoreFactors decided in 2016 to make a significant transition from a service provider to a product-based company.

2019 is their first year as a product company. Mr. Pankaj Kumar, Co-founder and Chief Product Officer joined the team in 2020 with a vision to take the product to the global market.

Pankaj shared- The aim is to auto-implement RevOps in business process with the help of AI. Corefactors AI CRM is designed to automate the entire revenue operations workflow and help SMBs achieve optimal efficiency by breaking down silos between teams, thus reducing revenue leakage and enabling faster growth Is. With CoreFactors AI CRM, businesses can expect greater synergy between teams, deep text analytics to understand customer engagements and interactions, automated workflows, better forecasting of future revenue and challenges, and a greater perspective of revenue generation for each stakeholder. Are more aligned towards the goal.

Vimal further expressed that 2020-21 tested his fortitude with the impact of Covid not only financially but also mentally and emotionally; However, valuable insights from customers and the trust they placed in us helped CoreFactors to conceive and develop this product. We look forward to expanding globally with Corefactors AI CRM, RevOps-enabled automated relationship management software.

The event featured an excellent, insightful fireside chat on RevOps, challenges faced, and future strategies for SMBs between Mr. Akash Gupta, Co-Founder & CEO, Zypp Electric, Mentor and Technology Strategist Mr. Dibya Prakash and Mr. Amit Singhal was also involved. , Founding Partner at Fluid Ventures and Startup Buddy. Mr. Akash shared the importance of data, capturing and monitoring the right metrics throughout the funnel, and how CoreFactors is helping them achieve them easily. Mr. Amit stressed on the importance of knowing your customers, having clarity of vision and how important it is for SMBs to adopt the right tools to enable seamless collaboration between teams. Mr. Dibya talked about how implementing RevOps is a way forward for SMBs, with businesses and the world witnessing a complete transformation from physical to digital.

The final note was from his investor Mr. Jitendra Lahori, who traveled from Dubai to Bengaluru for the occasion. He expressed his thoughts on what motivated him to invest in CoreFactors: fundamental and vision clarity, a process-driven methodology, and, most importantly, resolve, drawing a parallel to his most successful investment in one of the leading global airlines. He then went on to discuss how openness and transparency are qualities he admires about CoreFactors and the team. He cited a time during the Covid period when things were not going well, and CoreFactors reached out to him to discuss the situation and get feedback on the best course of action. Lastly, he thanked the client and the CoreFactors team, adding that he benefited emotionally and financially from his investment after hearing testimonials from clients at the event.

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