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LIC Plan: Important Announcement! With LIC's popular insurance, you can make a profit of Rs. 1 crore while remaining at home by paying just 4 premiums.


LIC Scheme: Bank deposits are not yielding sufficient returns. In such a circumstance, LIC has a unique programme that is proven to be quite helpful. With this programme, a good return of up to one crore can be obtained after four premium payments. Shiromani Yojana is the name of this LIC investment programme, and it offers significant returns.

The best illness protection is provided by the LIC Life Shiromani Plan (L Ic Jeevan Shiromani Plan), which also has good sickness coverage. The time frame for this plan has been established at 4 levels.

This encompasses ages 14, 16, 18, and 20. The insurance holder's age must be at least 18 years old and no older than 55. Under this plan, the minimum Sum Assured Value is Rs 1 crore.

The policy holder must make a deposit for four years as required by the rules, during which time they will also get a loan and a survival benefit. 30 percent of the Basic Sum Assured is paid out on the 10th and 12th years of a 14-year policy, 35 percent on the 14th and 16th years of an 18-year policy, 40 percent on the 14th and 16th years of an 18-year policy, and 20 percent of the Basic Sum Assured, or 45 taka, is paid out on the 16th and 18th years of a paralysis period.

These papers will be required.
Documents must be filed in the palsy area of the LIC in order to receive the Jeevan Shiromani plan. The owner of a paralysis must submit proof of identification, proof of date of birth, proof of address, a photo of the owner, and bank information.

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