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Future-King William physically assaulted Meghan Markle over brother, Prince Harry recalls incident in his book Spare

Prince William grabbed her and wrestled her to the floor, Prince Harry has revealed in his book.

In his autobiography Spare, Prince Harry said that William wanted to discuss with the media the failure and difficulties of the brothers' relationship. Harry describes how William described Meghan as "difficult", "rude" and "abrasive" during an argument at their London home in 2019. Harry claims William was merely repeating what the media was saying about Meghan. Harry claims the future king was already "hot hot" when he arrived at Nottingham Cottage.

Harry claims that after William complained about Meghan, he told William that William was just following what the media was saying and that he was hoping for the best. Harry claims that William was acting irrationally, which led to the two men shouting at each other. As William was unable to see why his younger brother was unwilling to be "extra", Harry then accused him of acting like an heir apparent, reported The Guardian which published a copy of Prince Harry's autobiography Spare. copy has been received.

Harry recalled how his relationship with William came to an end because of Meghan Markle's ex-life. As the argument heated up, William finally grabbed her by the collar, ripped off her chain and threw her to the ground. The surprising incident is one of many in the book Spare, which will be released internationally next week and is sure to cause a significant uproar for the British royal family. According to Harry, the scene left his back with obvious damage.

Harry was hurt when he tripped over the dog bowl, which broke and shattered beneath him. Harry rose to his feet and told William that after lying there for a while he was dazed.

Harry claims that William provoked them to fight back by bringing up their earlier physical altercation. Harry claims he protested. Harry claims that after leaving, William came back remorseful and apologised.

Harry wrote in the book that William asked him not to tell Meghan about the incident. Even though Harry did not inform his wife about it immediately, he called his doctor to talk about it.

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