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Why does LinkedIn have a white background when using the dark mode theme?

To make text and other information simple to see and navigate even in dim lighting, LinkedIn employs a white background when in Dark Mode. This design decision is typical of many websites and apps since it ensures that users may access them with the greatest visibility.

White backgrounds in dark mode offer contrast and ease eye strain compared to black backgrounds, which can be taxing on the eyes in dim light. A white background also makes it possible to portray colours more accurately, which is crucial for visual elements like logos and images. Overall, accessibility and visual design are sacrificed when using a white backdrop in dark mode.

Additionally, utilising a white background in dark mode on mobile devices and laptops helps extend battery life because it uses less power to display a white screen than a black one. Additionally, because lighter colours can be displayed with less processing power on less powerful devices, this design decision can enhance performance even on those devices. Last but not least, employing a white background in dark mode allows LinkedIn to retain consistency with other apps and websites, making it easier for users to navigate. The white background is a standard in many design styles.

Some point

• Dark mode with a white background increases text visibility and eases eye strain.

• Color depiction is true on a white background.

Why Low-end gadgets operate better and use less battery power when the background is white.

• The white background keeps the overall design aesthetic consistent.

• By increasing contrast between items, using a white background in dark mode can help boost accessibility for users who are colour blind or have other visual impairments.

• By making the app brighter and more appealing in low light, it can help enhance the entire user experience.

• Users should anticipate seeing a white background in dark mode in apps and websites that enable the feature as it is a frequent practise.

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