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Why did Bill Gates choose Harvard over his friend Paul Allen's choice of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)?

Bill Gates did not study at MIT or Harvard. After two years, he left Harvard to co-found Microsoft with Paul Allen. 

Both Harvard and MIT admitted Bill Gates; nevertheless, he chose Harvard due to his interest in law and politics, for which Harvard offered more courses. He did not attend MIT, like Paul Allen, and left after two years to pursue his business interests in computer software. 

Bill Gates co-founded Microsoft in 1975 with his friend Paul Allen because he had a passion for computer software since a young age. His business grew to become the biggest provider of personal computer software in the world. Despite leaving Harvard, Gates has received accolades and multiple awards for his achievements in the tech sector. In addition, he has turned into a philanthropist who works with the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation to fight poverty and advance global health.

Bill Gates' choice to leave Harvard and work with Paul Allen to further his commercial interests marked a turning point in his life. Because of this, he was able to give Microsoft his whole attention. He made a significant contribution to the world through his leadership at Microsoft and afterwards through his charitable work. Gates has a net worth of over $100 billion and is well-known in business and technology in addition to his charitable endeavours. He has won various accolades for his accomplishments, including Time magazine's "Man of the Year" title.

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