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Former Vice-Chancellor of NITI Aayog asks ChatGPT to write a poem on free trade: Here's the answer


• Former Vice Chairman of NITI Aayog Arvind Panagariya shared the poem composed by ChatGPT through a Twitter post.

If you still haven't heard about ChatGPT, you are probably missing out on the latest from the world of technology. Launched by Elon Musk-backed OpenAI earlier this month, ChatGPT is an artificial intelligence (AI)-backed conversational chatbot that is trained to follow an instruction in a prompt and provide a detailed response.

OpenAI was co-founded in 2015 by its current CEO Sam Altman and Elon Musk. Free to use AI tool - ChatGPT crossed over 1 million users in the first week of launch and became the talk of the town. People are using it to search queries, write letters, essays and even write computer code.

Recently, Arvind Panagariya, former vice-chairman of NITI Aayog, asked an AI chatbot to write a poem on free trade in Alfred Tennyson style. He was a famous English poet of the Victorian era. He was appointed as Queen Victoria's Poet Laureate.

Coming back to ChatGPT, the chatbot composed the poem asked by Arvind Panagariya on free trade, which left him 'amazed'. "The capabilities of the latest AI software are truly amazing. I asked chatgpt to write a poem on free trade in Alfred Tennyson style. Look what it's come up with," he wrote in a post on Twitter. He also shared the text of the poem composed by ChatGPT. Here it is:

Free trade, a concept so grand,

A force that moves objects from the ground to the ground.

no fee or obstacle to hinder,

A free market, a global economy to lead.

With free trade, nations prosper and develop,

An exchange of ideas and cultures, a flow.

The strength and resources of each country combine,

A symphony of commerce, a tapestry awesome.

But free trade is not without its enemies,

Protectionism is on the rise, a blow to the status quo.

Nations fear the loss of their own industry,

But everyone will benefit in the long run, that's for sure.

So let's embrace free trade with open arms,

A world united, free from harm.

A bright future awaits us all,

We stand strong through the power of free trade.

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