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Elon Musk Effect? Twitter employee sleeps on the office floor; netizens are divided

Netizens are now wondering whether Elon Musk is forcing Twitter employees to take out all-nighters.

A few days after Elon Musk took over Twitter, Esther Crawford was seen sleeping on the office floor. One of Crawford's coworkers, Evan Jones, who works as product manager for Twitter Spaces, posted the image to Twitter. Crawford, who serves as the company's director of product management, is seen behind some chairs with sleeping bags and an eye mask.

Interestingly, Crawford retweeted the image and said, "When your team is pushing to make round-the-clock deadlines, sometimes you #SleepWhereYouWork". Now, netizens are divided.

Some are calling it a side-effect of Musk's take-over, known as the hard taskmaster. Some others see nothing wrong with this as many employees have to pull an all-nighter at some point. One of them compared it to army training.

"It honestly doesn't sound oppressive to me. I've slept on concrete before in the military knowing I won't be going home to my family the next night," the user wrote.

“I remember pulling all-nighters with my team in the early days. It created such strong bonds and memories. It's encouraging to be a part of something worthwhile that you need every inch of it to achieve," wrote another user.

One user puts it this way: "I think it's safe to say that 90% of working adults have pulled all nighters at some point, so don't think there's anything special to this. The point is all nights is about pulling voluntarily (due to passion/motivation) versus involuntarily (Elon making them do it) (sic)".

When Bo Ren, director of Early Stage Startups, asked: "Elon are you guys already pulling all-nighters?", a Twitter user replied that it was not mandatory, but optional.

Again, it was Crawford who came up with some of the explanation. "Since some people are losing their minds, let me explain: working hard requires sacrifice (time, energy, etc.). I have teammates around the world striving to bring something new to life. So it's important for me to show up for them and keep the team unblocked," she wrote.

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