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How did COVID-19 start? Another report supports the 'lab leak' theory

A child is tested in the area of ​​Phi Chi Kei after a resident tested positive for COVID-19 in Macau, Thursday, October 27, 2022.

Republicans in the US Senate who looked into the origins of the virus speculated that COVID-19 may have originated from a laboratory leak.

It seems everyone has an opinion on how COVID-19 came into existence. US Republicans on the House Energy and Commerce Committee have questioned the National Institutes of Health about alleged "lab leaks". But, most scientists agree with the conclusions made in a Science Magazine article published in August that the virus is most likely transferred from animals. Persons in crowded wet markets in Wuhan, China.

Republicans in the US Senate who looked into the origins of the virus speculated that COVID-19 may have originated from a laboratory leak, though they insist there is no conclusive evidence.

It's relatable since "it's not driven by scientific fact," Gigi Gronwall said. According to the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security senior scholar and immunologist, the data supporting the animal trade origin is "very solid."

According to US Senate Republicans who saw its origins, the virus that causes COVID-19 may have been triggered by a laboratory leak; However, they emphasize that the findings are inconclusive.

The study should serve as a guide for the World Health Organization (WHO) and other international institutions and scholars, said Sen. Richard Burr, the panel's ranking member.

Despite the fact that the research was first made public by Burr's team, Senate Help Chair Patty Murray indicated she is still committed to collaborating with Burr in the investigation into the origins of COVID-19. According to Murray, the bipartisan pandemic preparedness law (S. 3799) endorsed by the aid committee in March included a full review of how COVID-19 initially developed.

However, the bill recommended the formation of a separate task force to look into the COVID-19 origins so that such a situation does not happen again as it is important that everyone heed the lessons from this pandemic, Murray said. .

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