China Congress: Xi Jinping defends zero-Covid as party meeting begins

Chinese President Xi Jinping is defending his controversial zero-Covid strategy as a historic Communist Party Congress begins in Beijing.

Delegates are likely to hand Xi a third term as party chief, breaking a decades-old tradition.

He said zero-Covid was an "all people's war to stop the spread of the virus".

The policy has saved lives, but also imposed a punitive toll on the Chinese people and economy.

Public fatigue is increasing due to the lockdown and travel restrictions.

Beijing has come under tight security measures ahead of Congress, sparking frustration in the city with a rare and dramatic public protest on Thursday criticizing Mr. Xi and zero Covid.

Mr. Xi also addressed the issue of Taiwan - which China claims as part of its territory. Autonomous Taiwan considers itself separate from the mainland.

Speaking slowly and deliberately, he said Beijing would "promise never to abandon the use of force" and that "the complete reunification of our country must and will be realized", drawing unceasing applause from the delegates.

On Hong Kong, Mr. Xi said Beijing had established control there, changing its position from "anarchy to rule". Beijing imposed a comprehensive national security law in the region in 2019 following pro-democracy demonstrations.

Mr Xi also referred to divisions within China's political establishment, saying his regime had "removed serious hidden dangers in the party".

Since his rise to the top post, he has overseen widespread corruption crackdowns extending to the highest positions of the party. But critics have painted it as a political purge.

He also said that China would accelerate the build-up of its military, mentioning the words "security" or "protection" about 73 times.

The speech, which lasted less than two hours, was much shorter than his speech at the previous Congress in 2017.

His choice of words had been in the works for months because of his comments and analysts will be looking at it for any signs of a policy change.

Thursday's protest calls for an end to zero-Covid and the overthrow of Mr. Xi

A third term as the leader of the Communist Party of China (CCP) will pave the way for him to become the most powerful leader after Mao Zedong.

About 2,300 delegates are meeting to elect party leaders and debate key policies.

During the Congress, delegates are also expected to elect various leaders, including the Politburo Standing Committee - the equivalent of China's presidential cabinet - who will present themselves to the waiting media after the Congress.

In the past, the twice-a-decade Congress was seen as an opportunity for leaders to boost their supporters, as they struggled to increase the power of their factions within the party.

But observers say that there is only one faction visible in the 20th Party Congress these days - Mr. Xi.

In a clear sign of this consolidation of power, top Chinese Communist Party (CCP) leaders issued a communiqué a few days ago endorsing them as the "core" of the party and leadership. He called upon the party to unite behind him even more.

Mr. Xi currently holds three of the most powerful positions in China - general secretary of the CCP, chairman and president of the country's armed forces. He is expected to renew his term in Congress for the first two titles.

The CCP does not set any duration limit. But apart from Mao, the founder of Communist China, no leader ever served a third term.

• Xi's Road to Historic Third Term, Explained

• Xi Jinping: From Prince to President

The country's constitution also had a two-term limit for the presidency, which was put in place by reformer Deng Xiaoping to prevent the rise of a Mao-like figure.

But Mr. Xi managed to eliminate this requirement: in 2018 China's rubber-stamp parliament abolished the rule, effectively allowing him to remain president for as long as he wanted.

Since taking power in 2012, Mr. Xi has led China on a path that has been equally ambitious and authoritarian.

He emphasized "a great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation", which led him to economic reform, reducing pollution and alleviating poverty.

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Does Xi Jinping's poverty alleviation "potato miracle" sound like this?

He has also launched crackdowns on Uighurs in Xinjiang and pro-democracy protesters in Hong Kong.

But Mr. Xi is facing several challenges, such as youth unemployment, a slowing economy and the ongoing asset crisis - and of course zero-Covid.

• How Zero-Covid is ruining Xi's party

Many will also be watching Congress to see if there will be any change in Beijing's foreign policy, especially towards the world's second superpower, the US.

China's efforts abroad through Mr. Xi's One Belt One Road program and claims in the South China Sea, as well as Russia's support in Ukraine.

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