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PM Narendra Modi asks newly appointed UK PM Keir Starmer to visit India in a conversation

PM Narendra Modi asks newly appointed UK PM Keir Starmer to visit India in a conversation

Recalling the historical ties between the two nations, Keir Starmer and Narendra Modi both underlined their commitment to advancing and strengthening the Comprehensive Strategic Partnership between India and the UK.

Speaking with his new counterpart Keir Starmer on Saturday, Prime Minister Narendra Modi congratulated him on taking over as UK Prime Minister and the Labour Party's astounding election win.

PM Starmer has also received an invitation from PM Modi to visit India early. The leaders have decided to stay in communication.

On Saturday, Starmer presided over his first Cabinet meeting as his new administration started on the enormous task of resolving a plethora of internal issues and winning over a populace fatigued by years of economic hardship, political unrest, and austerity.

The two leaders reiterated their commitment to advancing and deepening the Comprehensive Strategic Partnership between India and the UK and remembered the historical ties between the two nations.

The PMO said that the two leaders decided to work on quickly concluding an advantageous free trade agreement between India and the UK.

Recognizing the constructive contributions made by the Indian population to the social, political, and economic development of the United Kingdom, the parties decided to keep promoting closed relationships between individuals.

Human rights attorney Starmer has consistently said that, should his party win the mandate, the Labour party will seek a "new strategic partnership" with India, which would likely include a free trade pact.

"Today, I want to make it very obvious to everyone that the Labour Party has transformed. At the India Global Forum last year, he had said, "My Labour government will seek a relationship with India based on our common principles of care of democracy and aspiration."

We share the goal of pursuing a free trade agreement (FTA), but we also want to establish a new strategic alliance for international security, climate security, and economic security, he had said.

On Friday, Starmer's Labour Party won a resounding win on a message of reform, dealing the Conservatives their worst defeat in almost 200 years.

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