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Even while the Indian bloc isn't claiming to be the government now, it may be tomorrow: Banerjee Mamata

Even while the Indian bloc isn't claiming to be the government now, it may be tomorrow: Banerjee Mamata

The leader of the TMC, Mamata Banerjee, said that her party will wait and see and that she would be pleased if the BJP-led NDA government was forced out of office. Both the nation's need and desire for change are present.

Mayor of West Bengal, Mamata Banerjee

Mamata Banerjee, the chief minister of West Bengal, said on Saturday that while the opposition INDIA group has not claimed the right to form the government now, it does not rule out doing so in the future.

The leader of the TMC, Banerjee, said that her party would wait and see and that she would be pleased to see the BJP-led NDA government overthrown. Both the nation and its people want and need change.

This directive called for modification. We are waiting and monitoring the circumstances. Narendra Modi shouldn't be prime minister this time around since this mandate was against him. After a meeting of the recently elected TMC MPs, Banerjee told reporters that someone else ought to have been given the opportunity to take over.The leader of the Trinamool Congress said that the party will not be present at the new government's swearing-in event.

The BJP is unlawfully and undemocratically building the government. Even although the Indian bloc may not have made a claim to form the government today, it still has the right to do so in the future. Let's give it a little while, she said. Banerjee said, "I would be happy to see this unstable and weak government at the center out of power."According to her, the TMC's Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha members would work to get the Citizenship Amendment Act (CAA) repealed.

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