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President Putin of Russia Orders Nuclear Drills in Response to "Threats" From the West, Increasing Tensions in the Area

President Putin of Russia Orders Nuclear Drills in Response to "Threats" From the West, Increasing Tensions in the Area

Moscow: According to CNN, Russian President Vladimir Putin has ordered Russian military to practice tactical nuclear weapons in response to what he described as "threats" from the West.

Vladimir Putin made hints about the possible use of tactical nuclear weapons against Western countries after Russia's invasion of Ukraine in 2022. But Russia made its first official statement of these exercises on Monday.

The drills will include non-strategic nuclear weapons deployment scenarios and preparations, according to Russia's defense ministry.

Details Regarding Tactical Nuclear Armaments

According to CNN, tactical nuclear weapons are less devastating than their strategic counterparts and are intended for use on the battlefield.

The defense ministry's decision to carry out these exercises comes in response to what it refers Russia as "provocative statements and threats" made by Western leaders, which Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov described as "unprecedented levels."

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In a recent interview with The Economist magazine, French President Emmanuel Macron emphasized the danger Russia presents to European security by reiterating the idea of sending Western soldiers to Ukraine.

In a similar vein, British Foreign Secretary David Cameron denounced Russia's unlawful invasion of Ukraine while in the country and emphasized Ukraine's right to defend itself with arms provided by the UK.

Motivations for Declaring the Drills

The announcement of the exercises coincides with the United States passing a long-overdue assistance package for Kyiv, which is intended to strengthen Ukraine's military defenses against further Russian assault.

In recent months, Russian troops have gained a considerable amount of territory along the eastern front of Ukraine by taking advantage of their superior personnel and weapons before US help arrived. Putin often uses nuclear hyperbole in response to criticism of Russia's military goals or heightened international backing for Ukraine.

Putin emphasized the rising possibility of nuclear war and recognized the lengthy nature of the struggle after Ukraine recaptured significant territory in late 2022.

CNN reports that Putin announced Russia's suspension of the New START deal in February of the same year, citing the potential for US nuclear testing as rationale.

Although State Department officials and US President Joe Biden have attempted to minimize worries about Putin's nuclear threats, they are nevertheless keeping a close eye on Russian activity.

Penatgon's Reaction To The Most Recent Announcement From Russia

The Pentagon emphasized that there hasn't been any noticeable change in Russia's strategic military posture in response to its most recent disclosure.

Russia's action was described by Maj Gen Patrick Ryder as "completely inappropriate" and as being consistent with Russia's past of reckless rhetoric. According to reports, starting in late 2022, the US has been aggressively planning for the potential that Russia may use tactical nuclear weapons against Ukraine.

Russia's defense ministry recently made a statement about future missile formation exercises from the Southern Military District that would include both air and naval units.

The world community is aware of the possible consequences of Putin's strong stance and nuclear brinkmanship, which has increased tensions between Russia and the West, CNN said.

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