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Merchant Accounts for Credit Repair

Merchant Accounts for Credit Repair

Are you having trouble with holds, shutdowns, or freezes on your merchant account? Use Easy Pay Direct to handle payments in the quickest, safest manner possible.

Simple merchant accounts are sufficient for the credit repair sector; just complete our short form to begin processing payments.

You want a merchant account that is really dependable if your credit repair company accepts credit cards online.

You'll be shocked to learn why Payment Aggregators, such as Stripe, shut down hundreds of merchant accounts in the credit repair sector last year.

It's just the way their business model works!

Millions of retailers are permitted to utilize their one merchant account. By doing this, they manage the risk between reputable, moral company owners and those who could steal money, offer subpar goods, conduct fraud, or shut down their doors before a customer requests a refund.

This makes it possible for businesses like Stripe to swiftly put you up and shut you down as well.

The issue is that when they put you up, they don't know anything about you. They have no idea who you are, what you provide, or how to market it.

The possibility of them terminating your account is HIGH if they set you up and anything out of the ordinary occurs, such an increase in chargebacks.

Even worse, they monitor the whole industry if any of your rivals take any action that raises a red signal in their algorithm. Furthermore, you can lose your account due to a competitor's error without any fault of your own.

What makes Easy Pay Direct different, then? And how do we maintain the stability of our clients' merchant accounts?

Extensive underwriting is a crucial element.

In order for us to comprehend your company and marketing strategy, our professionals underwrite your account. As a result, we can pair you with a back-end bank that supports your vertical.

It significantly reduces the likelihood that you'll ever run across problems.

In addition, recurring billing, mobile payments, hosted checkout, access to our fraud prevention services, a single point of contact, and connection with more than 250 shopping carts are all included when you join up with us.

For the duration of your account, we'll also collaborate with you to optimize your payments.

Among many other things, lowering your decline rates to boost income, keeping an eye on and mitigating your chargeback ratios.

What Additional Benefits Does Easy Pay Direct Provide?

Transaction Routing: Your transactions will be automatically distributed across many accounts. In this manner, your other ones will continue to function even in the event that one is damaged.

White Glove Service: Whenever you need assistance, you may get in touch with a specific point of contact.

Decline Recovery: We'll assist you in lowering your decline rates and increasing your approval ratios. In this manner, you process more payments and put more money back in your pocket.

Chargeback Mitigation: Use our chargeback alarm system to halt chargebacks before they start. significantly reduce account problems and raise client satisfaction levels.

Hosted Checkout: With only a few clicks, quickly construct landing pages and checkout links. Send them an SMS, DM, or email to your customers to request payments instantly.

Recurring Billing: Multiple payment methods are available for subscription purchases with built-in recurring billing.

Mobile Payments: Use our user-friendly mobile payment solution to process payments while on the move.

More than 250 Integrations: We interface with almost all shopping carts in addition to most applications and services. Our dedicated in-house development team will fulfill any special requirements you may have. 

Banking for Almost All Verticals - We provide merchant accounts, including high risk merchant accounts, for almost all verticals. Obtain approval right now.

Unlimited High Ticket: Process large volumes and high ticket transactions with ease and without concern.

FAQ on Credit Repair Merchant Accounts

What is a merchant account for credit repair?

One kind of merchant account that enables credit repair businesses to take credit card payments from customers is the credit repair merchant account.

What is the purpose of a merchant account for a credit repair company?

To take credit card payments from customers and pay for their services, credit repair businesses need a merchant account. Accepting credit card payments may streamline the sales process and raise the possibility that customers will sign up for their offerings.

Is it challenging to be accepted for a merchant account for credit repair?

Due to the possibility of chargebacks and disputes, credit repair organizations are seen as high-risk businesses, making it more difficult to get a merchant account for them than for a typical merchant account. However, approval for a merchant account is feasible if the credit repair organization has a well-established business and can provide proof of a clean credit history.

Does a merchant account for credit restoration come with any extra costs?

A credit repair merchant account could come with extra costs, including higher processing fees or a higher monthly account charge, to offset the extra risk involved in the business.

Is it possible for a credit repair business to handle credit cards using a standard merchant account?

Yes, a credit repair business may process credit cards using a standard merchant account; but, conventional merchant account providers are likely to see this as high-risk and may cancel the account if they discover it. Locating a specialist supplier that provides merchant services only to credit repair businesses is a smart move since they are aware of the unique needs of the industry and may be able to provide more accommodating terms.

FAQ for Merchant Accounts

We are always here to assist you if you would need further information on payments, prices, or fixes for any issues you are having.

Which industries are served by Easy Pay Direct?

Although Easy Pay Direct works with low- and mid-risk businesses, we specialize in high-risk payment processing.

Below is a brief summary of some of the business verticals we cater to:

Collectibles and Antiques

Clothes & Apparel

Poor Credit

Bus Routes

Businesses That Support Cannabis

Providers of Catering Services

CBD Products & Oil

Product Continuity and Subscription Boxes

Credit Restoration

Credit Surveillance

Debt Recovery

Online streaming

Creating Documents

Play Fantasy Sports

Weapons and Ammunition

Furnishings & Furniture

Health & Beauty Accommodations


Subscribers to Legal Services Magazines

Coding & Billing for Medical

Medical Equipment

Enrollment & Ongoing Invoicing

MLM Enterprises

Moving & Transportation

Non-Profit Supplements

Pawnshops and Pawnbrokers

Pet Supplies

Precious Metals

Property Management Software Providers

Coaching & Seminars

Ad agency, SEM, and SEO

Accessories for Smoking

Bet on Sports

Survival & Tactical Equipment


Cigars and Tobacco

Journey & Timeshare

Vape, E-cigarette, E-Juice

Veterinary professionals

Website Development & Design

Why is my company regarded as high risk?

"High Risk" is a word used in the financial sector. It's crucial to remember that a lot of company strategies seem to be low risk but really include a lot of danger.

Being deemed high risk is perfectly acceptable, because risk is influenced by a variety of things.

Customers have six months from the date of delivery to contest charges made when they purchase an item using a credit card.

Who, in your opinion, has to return that money if your company is closed? the central processing unit. This is the source of danger.

A larger percentage of chargebacks results in the designation of some companies, marketing strategies, and sectors as high risk.

If your company is in a high risk sector or your organization is flawless, chargeback free, and run entirely "by the books," you may still be classified as high risk.

There are three primary factors that make a company high risk.

The likelihood of chargebacks happening to the company is higher.

The business plan can be novel or subject to legal restrictions.

A large percentage of card-not-present transactions are accepted by the company (over the phone, email, eCommerce)

Do you provide services for merchant accounts outside of the United States?

Currently, Easy Pay Direct provides merchant account services for both Canadian and American customers. We always strive to increase the amount of territory we can handle, and we want to do so soon.

Can my new or startup company be granted approval?

We have assisted several fresh start-ups and brands in being authorized and operational. Before certifying a merchant, banks like to see a lengthy history of transactions and a solid relationship with them.

However, it does not exclude us from approving you. Get in touch with us now, and we'll go over your alternatives with you.

How much time does it take to get a merchant account approved?

It usually takes 1-4 days to be authorized when all required paperwork is submitted.

On rare occasions, accounts might be granted in less than a day. Our staff will endeavor to activate your account as soon as possible.

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