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I gave the police my testimony, saying the BJP should stay out of politics: 'Assault' on Swati Maliwal by her

I gave the police my testimony, saying the BJP should stay out of politics: 'Assault' on Swati Maliwal by her

Her testimony was recorded at her Central Delhi home on Thursday by a two-person Delhi Police squad.

She claimed that the last three days had been very trying for her, after the purported incident at Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal's home, when his close aide Bibhav Kumar reportedly "assaulted" Maliwal.

On Thursday, AAP Rajya Sabha member Swati Maliwal spoke out about the alleged attack on her. She said that the Delhi Police had recorded her testimony and that the BJP shouldn't get involved in politics over the issue.

She said that the last three days had been very trying for her, after the purported incident at Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal's home, when it was claimed that his close assistant Bibhav Kumar "assaulted" Maliwal.I had an extremely horrible experience. I have provided the police with my statement on the event that occurred to me.

I'm hoping the right steps will be done. I've had an extremely tough few days. Those that prayed, I thank you. In a Hindi post on X, she stated, "Those who attempted to engage in character assassination said that I was doing it at the opposing party's request. God bless them also.

She emphasized that the challenges facing the nation are more significant than herself and that vital elections are now taking place.She said in the same article, "There is a special request to the BJP people not to do politics on this incident."

She gave a statement at her Central Delhi home on Thursday, which was videotaped by a two-person Delhi Police team.An officer said that Maliwal reported the incident to police that transpired on Monday at the chief minister's house. The officer said that after Maliwal's testimony was recorded, police may file a formal complaint over the situation.

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