Offering internships to applicants rejected by Elon Musk, an Indian EV startup

Offering internships to applicants rejected by Elon Musk, an Indian EV startup

Pravaig offered assistance as a number of prospective workers vented on LinkedIn about not having enough time to locate summer employment.

In the piece titled "Tesla Aspirants," Bagri mentioned how much unemployment has been in the headlines lately.

Pravaig Dynamics, an electric car business located in Bengaluru, has extended offers to former Tesla interns who had their contracts withdrawn weeks before their start date. The invitation is for them to join India's Silicon Valley, which will value and acknowledge their skills. Summer interns at Elon Musk's flagship company, Tesla Inc., are the latest casualties of his cost-cutting efforts. Offers were withdrawn only weeks before the internships were scheduled to begin.

Pravaig offered assistance as a number of prospective workers vented on LinkedIn about not having enough time to locate summer employment.

"At Pravaig Dynamics, we recognize how important it is to have support and value in your professional endeavors. Because of this, we would want to sincerely invite everyone who has been impacted by this regrettable circumstance," Shivangi Bagri, a partner at Pravaig, said on her LinkedIn profile.

The business makes high precision EV batteries and electric SUVs. Bagri, who oversees HR at the company, said the Tesla employment letter was sufficient evidence of the candidate's abilities, background, and promise since it "doesn't simply vanish with a revoked offer".

In case you are uncertain about your future and possess a legitimate offer letter from Tesla, we would be delighted to discuss your options and determine whether you would be a good match at Pravaig.

If you decide to relocate to India's Silicon Valley and work at Pravaig, we may not be able to provide you with the same opportunity you had imagined with Tesla, but we can guarantee a welcoming workplace where your skills would be valued and acknowledged," she wrote.

Two top Tesla executives were fired by Musk in recent days, and there have been rumors that he intends to fire hundreds more workers due to declining sales and the rate at which job layoffs are occurring.

In the piece titled "Tesla Aspirants," Bagri mentioned how much unemployment has been in the headlines lately.

"From Big Tech terminating workers for taking maternity leave to businesses coming up with whatever justification to keep their staff from working over their contracts. I was really moved to take action after reading the depressing news about Tesla withdrawing internship offers, the speaker remarked.

According to her, a few people who were excited to begin working with Tesla had their offer letters abruptly withdrawn several weeks before to their planned start date.

"I can only image the feelings of confusion, anger, and sadness those people and their families must have had as a result of this turn of events. Taking on a new position is an undertaking that need for both mental and practical preparation, particularly in a stimulating firm like Tesla. It's really a bitter pill to swallow to have that enthusiasm suddenly cut off," she remarked.

Tesla "made the difficult decision to reduce our headcount by more than 10% globally," according to an announcement issued by Musk last month. A few of executives have now departed the firm, but the majority of the 500-person Supercharger division and the recently established marketing team have been let go.

"Though there may have been a hiccup in your trip, working together, we can forge on toward a better future. In a letter to the Tesla interns, Bagri wrote, "Let's explore the possibility of working together, not as an equivalent for what you lost, but as a new beginning filled with promise and opportunity." She asked them to get in contact with her or the Pravaig HR staff if they were interested in the concept.

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