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A Brief Overview of Blackout Curtains

A Brief Overview of Blackout Curtains

You wake up after a good night's sleep feeling rejuvenated and ready to face the day. But getting adequate sleep is a challenge for many individuals. According to estimates from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 70 million Americans struggle with persistent sleep problems. Blackout curtains may help you have a better night's sleep if you have insomnia or other sleep disorders. 

Blackout curtains are often used in bedrooms and other sleeping areas. There is a chance that this simple cloth will not work as intended, but it may significantly lengthen and enhance your sleep. Learn about the benefits and drawbacks of blackout curtains.

Blackout curtains: What Are They?

The cloth drapes or shades that cover your windows are called blackout curtains. They obstruct streetlights, sunshine, and artificial light from passing vehicles, among other sources. Compared to blinds, which often have holes that let light in, these shades may provide an additional layer of protection. 

Even if you live in a metropolitan location with light pollution, you may sleep in almost complete darkness at any time of day or night with blackout curtains.

Why Do People Use Blackout Curtains? 

Blackout curtains are often used in bedrooms to minimize exposure to light sources, including morning sunlight. In the dark, the human body creates melatonin. This hormone, which is present naturally, aids in controlling your body's circadian rhythms, or sleep-wake cycle. Blackout curtains help you sleep better and stay asleep longer by keeping light from interfering with the production of melatonin. 

Blackout curtains are a common sleep aid used by people all over the world. According to a poll conducted among adults in Norway, 63.3% of participants use blackout curtains. Blackout curtains are most often used by those under thirty, with popularity among older groups somewhat reducing.

What Advantages Do Blackout Curtains Offer? 

Blackout curtains are an easy and inexpensive approach to enhance your general health and quality of sleep. Benefits of the blackout curtain include: 

allowing shift workers and those who must sleep throughout the day to take a nap in the dark

minimizing or cutting down on light exposure, which may interfere with your sleep and make you feel exhausted throughout the day

supporting the preservation of your circadian rhythm

Increasing your home's nighttime privacy 

lowering your home's cooling expenses by keeping your bedroom out of the summer sun

Blackout curtains may also improve the quality and length of your sleep, which will benefit your general health. All of your body's systems, including the neurological, digestive, and cardiovascular ones, are impacted by sleep. Getting enough sleep lowers your chance of getting long-term illnesses linked to sleep deprivation, such as: 


Heart conditions in the coronary heart


High blood pressure

metabolic illnesses

Being overweight 

a stroke

Diabetes type 2

Accidents at work 

Blackout curtains help you regularly obtain a good night's sleep, which may help avoid certain conditions and injuries.

What Dangers Do Blackout Curtains Pose? 

Blackout curtains don't have many negative health effects. Nonetheless, producers may use polyvinyl chloride (PVC) to create roller blinds or blackout drapes. Phthalates, which may enter the human body by airborne particles, direct touch, and other means, are present in this substance. 

Human health and the environment are at danger from PVC exposure, according to the Center for Health, Environment and Justice (CHEJ). These concerns include: 

Pollution of the air and groundwater 

Immune system and reproductive system damage

gas production in landfills, which may cause fires in landfills

heightened risk of liver and brain cancer

harm to the liver

To minimize these problems, the CHEJ suggests buying blackout curtains, drapes, and other window coverings made of cloth rather than PVC.

Signs That Blackout Curtains Could Be Beneficial to You

How can you tell whether using blackout curtains will be beneficial? Although reducing light exposure while sleeping is beneficial for everyone, those who suffer from sleep problems or shortages may benefit most from blackout curtains. 

Adults typically need seven to nine hours of sleep every day. More sleep is necessary for younger people's growth and development. For instance, teens need eight to ten hours of sleep each day, while newborns require fourteen to seventeen hours. 

You can have a sleep deficit if you don't consistently get the amount of sleep that is advised for your age group. Symptoms of this sleep deprivation may include: 

Diminished vitality

delayed response times

feeling as if you're not able to think clearly or fast


Anxiety levels rising


restricted memory

Bad choices and dangerous actions

reduction in attention span

Daytime drowsiness Sleep deprivation accumulates over time and may result in more severe symptoms, such as: 

Risky or impetuous actions 

Having trouble speaking 

drooping eyelashes

stumbling into unconscious slumber for a little while


hands that tremble

twitching of the eyes 

You may lessen or completely get rid of the symptoms of chronic sleep deprivation by using blackout curtains.

What Other Modifications to Your Lifestyle Can You Make to Get Better Sleep? 

Blackout curtains may help you sleep better by blocking out light, but they might not be able to completely address sleep problems and deficits. You may also try the following other tactics to improve your sleep hygiene: 

removing cellphones and other gadgets that produce damaging blue light from bedrooms

Creating a Regular Bedtime Schedule

Maintaining a suitable temperature in your bedroom, based on your own preferences

reducing the amount of alcohol and caffeine you consume before bed

Maintaining an active lifestyle throughout the day

Using prescription drugs to aid in falling and staying asleep

Blackout curtains and other sleep hygiene practices may make your slumber longer, deeper, and more rejuvenating. Every element of your health is greatly impacted by sleep, therefore it's worthwhile to invest in a few items that will make going to bed enjoyable and productive.

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