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US Universities See Pro-Palestinian Demonstrations: Speaker Johnson Issacused During Campus Visit, Biden Supports Freedom Of Expression

US Universities See Pro-Palestinian Demonstrations: Speaker Johnson Issacused During Campus Visit, Biden Supports Freedom Of Expression

Growing demonstrations against the Gaza conflict on US campuses on Wednesday resulted in heckling US House Speaker Mike Johnson during his visit to Columbia University.

During a heated press conference, Johnson criticized Columbia administration, saying they were out of control and demanded the resignation of university president Nemat Shafik. Booing him and other Republican politicians in attendance, the audience continuously interrupted him.

We have to put an end to this type of racism and antisemitism on our campuses because we just cannot tolerate it. Arresting those responsible for this brutality is a good idea. Johnson said, "I am here today with my colleagues, demanding that President Shafik step down if she is unable to immediately restore order to this chaos."

The US House Speaker expressed disapproval at Columbia University's failure to safeguard Jewish students and restore order, rejecting arguments that the protests qualified as free expression.

"This poses a risk," Johnson said. "We value diversity of thought and free speech, but there are legal ways to express those views, and that is not what this is."

He advised the demonstrators to "go back to class and stop the nonsense," addressing the camping group.

Protesters heckled and chanted, "We can't hear you," throughout his address. Coordination of the chanting "Mike, you s**k" even occurred during the Q&A, which led Johnson to say, "Enjoy your free speech."


Johnson also told reporters that the National Guard should be called into action if the protests were not quickly put down.

When these threats persist, it is time for the National Guard to intervene. We need to establish order on these campuses," he said.

The Republican leader warned that the protests "put a target on the backs of Jewish students in the United States" and declared his determination to urge that US President Joe Biden "take action."

On US campuses, Joe Biden supports freedom of expression

Amid escalating student demonstrations over Israel's activities in Gaza, the White House published a statement on Wednesday reaffirming that US President Joe Biden supports freedom of speech on American university campuses.

"Free speech, debate, and nondiscrimination on college campuses are important in the president's opinion," White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre said during a briefing.

We think it's important for individuals to be free to express themselves peacefully. However, we must speak out against violent speech and hate speech when they occur, Jean-Pierre said.

Biden criticized "blatant anti-Semitism" on college campuses on Sunday, emphasizing that it has "no place" there.


Student protestors are urging Columbia and other institutions to withdraw from firms with links to Israel, expressing solidarity with Palestinians in Gaza, where the dead toll has exceeded 34,200, according to the health ministry operated by Hamas.

The protest was one of the most recent to include a run-in between students and police authorities against the rising number of people killed in Israel's war with Hamas, a terrorist Palestinian organization.

The demonstrations started at Columbia University in New York, where administrators summoned police to put an end to an occupation last week, leading to hundreds of arrests.

A number of Jewish students are among the demonstrators who have condemned anti-Semitic incidents. On the other hand, pro-Israel activists and others worried about campus security have drawn attention to anti-Semitic acts, claiming that universities are a breeding ground for hate speech and intimidation.


The University of Southern California's Los Angeles campus had 93 trespassers detained on Wednesday, according to police. The Los Angeles Police Department posted on social media site X that they had made "93 arrests" for trespassing. There are no reports of any injuries. Through tomorrow, patrols will continue to be in the area.

At approximately midnight, USC announced on X that the demonstration was over and the campus will be "closed until further notice." According to the institution, "students, faculty, staff, and people with business on campus may enter with proper identification." One of the most recent instances of a clash between law enforcement and students upset over the growing number of Israeli casualties in the battle against Hamas was the pro-Palestinian rally at USC.

The New York Police

Wild new footage reveals that when an NYPD chief and his officers arrested one of the protestors at an anti-Israel event, out-of-control New York University protestors rushed and chastised them, calling them "f–king fascists."

The NYPD Assistant Chief James McCarthy and his officers are shown in the widely circulated video, which was posted on X, being pursued and encircled by demonstrators on Monday night as they attempt to enter the NYU Catholic Center after the arrest of one of them. "F-ck you! The audience reportedly yelled, "F–k you, pigs," according to the New York Post.

Over a hundred protestors were taken into custody after the NYPD was called in on Monday night to disperse the campus campsite at NYU.

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