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If the US left the global stage, who would take the lead? inquires Joe Biden

If the US left the global stage, who would take the lead? inquires Joe Biden

"Consider who would rule the globe if the United States withdrew from international affairs, as Trump desires? Who would be the world's leader?" At a Tampa, Florida, campaign rally, Biden posed the question to the group.

US President Joe Biden questioned his fellow citizens, "If the United States stepped off the world stage, who would lead the world?" while scolding his opponent in November for putting up such a fight.

"Consider who would rule the globe if the United States withdrew from international affairs, as Trump desires? Who would be the world's leader?" At a Tampa, Florida, campaign rally, Biden posed the question to the group.

In the rematch of the 2020 polls, Biden will face his predecessor, Donald Trump, in the presidential election in November.

One of the things that is happening right now is that, before I leave any international gathering that I attend with other heads of state, be it the G20, the G7, or any other international gathering, practically everyone will approach me, wait to put me in a corner by myself, grab my arm, and tell me, 'You have got to win.'" Not because of me, but rather due to the substitute. And they say, referring to their democracy, 'Because my democracy relies upon it,'" said Biden.

"Therefore, not only are people watching to see whether we win or lose, but they are also watching to see how we behave ourselves throughout this election. One of the things that the Civil Rights Movement did for me as a child was to get me interested in political politics. The president said, "It all came down to one person at a time organizing."

According to Biden, his campaign is doing well and has already raised over half a billion dollars.

"I'm ecstatic. Thus far, we have raised about half a billion dollars. What thrills me, however, is that we have 1.6 million (16 lakh) donors as of right now, which is 550,000 more than we had at this point in the game the last time. The truth is, however, that 97% of the 1.6 million donors gave less than $200. Consider all the numbers that represent," he said.

The incumbent said that according to current surveys, he is ahead of Trump. "Of the past twenty-three national surveys, I have won ten, Trump has won eight, and we have tied five. Above all, the tide is definitely in our advantage. For instance, we gained seven points in the Echelon survey and eight points in the most recent Marquette poll. And we are currently leading the Marist poll nationally by three points," he said.

"I'm trying to say that people are starting to pay attention. People start to pay attention and listen at this point. Up until now, their perceptions have been general, but now they are paying attention," he said.

When Biden started speaking, he went over to two boys who looked like they were in elementary school on his right after seeing children in the audience. Whispering to them, he lowered the microphone and leaned forward. He then turned to face his employees and said, "You know what to do, right?" Then he moved to two females of a similar age across the room and whispered to them as well. It seems that the president whispered to the kids to make sure their parents bought them ice cream. He reminded the children to keep in mind what he had promised at the conclusion of his speech.

Florida is relevant nationally, according to Biden. "This election is a basic, old-fashioned election," he said.

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