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Which should come first: one's mental, bodily, or financial well-being?

Which should come first: one's mental, bodily, or financial well-being?

Which should come first: one's mental, bodily, or financial well-being?

One factor unites all of these things: financial stability. Other things include achieving happiness and emotional well-being, living a happy life with family and friends, and maintaining a healthy work-life balance. Know exactly what the risks and rewards are. High returns are a fallacy or a swindle if they come with no risk or volatility.

Avoid the error of choosing a product based just on its short-term performance only because it offers the biggest returns. Your capacity to stick with your investments through market volatility is what makes you wealthy, not prior performance.

Being financially healthy is knowing how to use your money and resources wisely. This will not only guarantee your financial security now but also set you up for future financial stability and the flexibility to live life to the fullest. for attending.

It's a frequent misperception that pursuing financial security, work-life balance, and mental health are three distinct life goals that may be made independently of one another. inadequate. One factor unites all of these things: financial stability. Other things include achieving happiness and emotional well-being, living a happy life with family and friends, and maintaining a healthy work-life balance. It's easy to sit in your Mercedes or maybe watch the sunset from the 42nd story of your flat with an ocean view and think depressing thoughts about how difficult life can be.

The cornerstone of a wonderful existence is financial stability. Those who disregard their health and well-being even in the face of financial prosperity are considered impoverished.

Given that reaching the base of Maslow's pyramid requires physical security (air, water, sleep, shelter, food, clothes, and reproduction), if he were still living today, he would likely make some small changes to his theory, known as the "Hierarchy of Needs." Prioritising financial organisation is also necessary. We already know that the world we live in is capitalism.

Great aspirations take time to realise. It's important to just get going.

establish financial objectives

Specify your objectives. Always make intentional investments. Compounding will enable you to reach incredible numbers over time, even if inflation will eventually make your ambitions more costly. It's critical to comprehend how both affect things. Your ambitions, your desires, and your financial objectives form the foundation of your goals. Similar to this, your investing strategy will be distinct, including the mutual fund schemes you purchase and the number of fixed deposits you need to have in your portfolio.

Don't take advice at face value.

Don't let anybody try to sell you anything if they don't know what you need or what your circumstance is. I can still clearly recall the instance in which relationship managers at a private bank sold very dangerous AT1 bonds to naive investors in order to reach their monthly goals. Investors have also been known to purchase alternative investment funds (AIFs) and portfolio management plans (PMS) from these relationship managers at large brokerage firms and even banks. Not because PMS and AIF are undesirable. You could be disappointed, however, if you don't know how they operate.

Personalisation is essential for everything from making your monthly balance sheet and tailoring your objectives to matching you with items.

family spending plan

Make your monthly balance sheet for your home with the use of technology. Having a clear understanding of your monthly spending, income, and costs is the first step in any journey. This enables you to stay debt-free and within your means. From here, it's a fantastic mindset to save first, spend later. Of course, technology will also make it easier for you to manage your financial objectives and make paperless investments.

Concentrate exclusively on profitsDon't focus; consider the hazards as well.

Know exactly what the risks and rewards are. High returns are a fallacy or a swindle if they come with no risk or volatility. Avoid the error of choosing a product based just on its short-term performance only because it offers the biggest returns. Your capacity to stick with your investments through market volatility is what makes you wealthy, not prior performance. Flexibility is rewarded in equity markets.

As you cultivate the correct investment attitude, set reasonable expectations. It takes time to build money. Develop your adaptability and let compounding to do its magic. Recall that when it comes to investing, we are the biggest enemies of ourselves. Never let someone feed your avarice.

Avoid attempting to time the market. Invest systematically to get the benefits of rupee cost averaging, lower total risk, and make sure compounding helps you reach bigger goals.

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