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US-India Business Council establishes an AI task team with the goal of aligning leadership

US-India Business Council establishes an AI task team with the goal of aligning leadership

US-India Business Council establishes an AI task team with the goal of aligning leadership


According to USIBC, AI-TF will enhance research, foster the development and commercialization of AI technologies, and promote AI ideas while offering multistakeholder assistance.

AI-TF will further multistakeholder processes and AI principles

An important step towards bringing Indian and US leadership in artificial intelligence (AI) more in line is the US-India Business Council (USIBC) of the US Chamber of Commerce's Artificial Intelligence Task Force (AI-TF).

The AI-TF will enhance AI principles, multistakeholder procedures, and AI technology research and commercialization, according to USIBC, underscoring its significant position in the field. The OECD's AI guidelines and the Chamber's AI principles serve as the foundation for this endeavor.

President of USIBC Atul Keshap highlighted the revolutionary potential of AI-TF, which seeks to use AI's extensive capabilities to boost competitiveness in the US and Indian economies. "AI-TF is revolutionary, particularly in light of the quickly changing field of artificial intelligence. We want to use this project to fully use AI's enormous potential to strengthen competitiveness in the economy of the United States and India as well as in our citizen-led societies," he said.

Specifically, via its main offices in Washington, DC, and New Delhi, USIBC—which represents several multinational firms in the Americas, India, and the Indo-Pacific—plays a significant role in pushing important policy concerns.

With the establishment of AI-TF, both nations have shown their determination to use AI to advance their economies and preserve democratic ideals while maximizing its potential for mutual gain.

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