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Sri Lanka's Independence Day is celebrated in the Google Doodle of 2024

Sri Lanka's Independence Day is celebrated in the Google Doodle of 2024

Sri Lanka's Independence Day is celebrated in the Google Doodle of 2024

'Google' is inscribed underneath the Sri Lankan flag in this Google Doodle for 2024's Independence Day.

Today is Sri Lanka's Independence Day (2024), commemorated by the Google Doodle. The island nation of South Asia observes Sri Lankan Independence Day as a public holiday to commemorate the country's 76th political liberation from British domination on February 4, 1948.

Google has commemorated the event with a doodle that is visible across Sri Lanka. 'Google' is inscribed underneath the Sri Lankan flag in the doodle.


For the people of the nation, this day is very important since it represents the end of many years of struggle and dreams of independence.

Past Events

Sri Lankans spearheaded several legislative initiatives and struggles to end colonial control. The campaign for Sri Lankan independence was a political one. The middle class was educated by the self-rule movement, which also promoted the peaceful handover of power. The State Council adopted a resolution in 1942 calling for total independence.

Several significant constitutional and legal changes were the goal of the 1944 formation of the Soulbury Commission. The establishment of the Ceylon National Congress in 1884—the first significant political group to support self-rule—is one of the other significant moments in Sri Lankan history. In 1931, the Donoughmore Commission was established to provide limited self-government. Early in the 20th century, there were boycotts, strikes, and other nonviolent protests that gained strength throughout this time.

The President of Colombo hoists the national flag as part of the celebration of Independence Day. The flag-hooping ritual kicks off the day, which is then followed by a nationally televised address by the president. Along with tank displays and aircraft flyovers, the festivities include a military parade.

All around the nation, traditional dance and music are included in cultural events. Fireworks, picnics, and get-togethers with family are among the nation's festivities.

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