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Poonam Pandey has stooped so low for cheap publicity": Call for filing a formal complaint against the actor for offending fans' feelings

"Poonam Pandey has stooped so low for cheap publicity": Call for filing a formal complaint against the actor for offending fans' feelings

In an attempt to increase awareness of cervical cancer, model Poonam Pandey is in danger for disseminating false information about her passing. The All Indian Cine Workers Association (AICWA) filed a formal complaint against him, claiming that his acts had offended Indian sensibilities.

On Saturday, actress and model Poonam Pandey dispelled false reports of her death by posting a video on her Instagram account confirming that she is still alive.

Model Poonam Pandey seems to be in serious danger right now after disseminating fake news of her death in an effort to raise awareness of cervical cancer. In a statement, the All India Cine Workers Association (AICWA) called for the filing of a formal complaint against him.

According to AICWA, Pandey's acts wounded the feelings of every Indian who honored him. "Strong action is required against them so that no one can spread such fake news," the group said.

"Using the cover of cervical cancer for self-promotion is not acceptable," according to AICWA.

Poonam Pandey declares, "I am alive," adding, "Cervical cancer did not attack me." Video

"The Indian film industry was completely taken aback when rumors circulated that actress and model Poonam Pandey had passed away from cervical cancer. Poonam Pandey, a model and actress, concocted this phony story as a publicity scam, as her manager revealed. All Indians who paid respect to her have been harmed by this phony story. Please submit a formal complaint (FIR) against Poonam Pandey and her management for disseminating false information just to further their public relations agenda. Taken against them, strict measures are required. so that no one may spread such false information. The Indian film business is known for its high emotional values, and cheap publicity of this type is not tolerated at all.

In addition, Mumbai Police must act against Poonam Pandey, according to Maharashtra MLA Satyajit Tambe.

"The news of an influencer or model passing away from cervical cancer cannot be a means of raising awareness about this disease," Tambe said. The whole program downplays how severe cervical cancer is and only emphasizes its effects." concentrates on one.”

An official statement posted on Poonam Pandey's social media on Friday said that she "bravely fought the disease" and passed away.

Who is actress Poonam Pandey, age 32?

supporters after the first reveal

Newspapers and other media sources began to publish tributes to him, and his Wikipedia page was even changed to reflect his supposed death.

After watching recent video of Pandey, who seemed to be in excellent condition, on a boat in Goa, some individuals did, however, voice their reservations.

In a second video sent to Instagram on Saturday, Pandey, 32, acknowledged to his 1.3 million followers that his death was a fraud.

"Yeah, I did stage my death—extreme, I know. However, all of a sudden, cervical cancer is on everyone's minds, correct? stated Pandey.

"I'm proud of what the news to my death has accomplished."

Online criticism of Poonam Pandey's fictitious declaration quickly surfaced, with claims that it was a "misleading stunt".

A number of people attacked Pandey, with one critic characterizing his actions as "attention-seeking behavior".

Filmmaker Vivek Agnihotri and actress Pooja Bhatt criticized Poonam for her "shameful" behavior.

"Although I don't usually remove tweets, I did so in that particular instance to convey my dismay upon learning of Poonam Pandey's death from cervical cancer. Why? It turns out that a digital/PR team manufactured the news. was designed. Pooja Bhatt posted on X, "Total disrespect and disrespect to those involved in the same thing."

Posted by Vivek Ranjan Agnihotri on

In 2010, Pandey started her modeling career and gained notoriety for her unusual stunts and reckless actions.

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