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How does SEO benefit from structured data?

How does SEO benefit from structured data?

In the area of SEO, structured data has been around for a while. Google, Bing, Yahoo! And ever since Yandex developed to standardize the attribute list, this has been a very popular issue.

Still, for many in SEO, structured data raises more concerns than it does answers.

inquiries such as:

Structured data: what is it?

How does structured data function inside the Google environment?

Is structured data applicable to me?

How can I identify and correct mistakes in my structured data?

What role does AI SEO play in structured data?

Because structured data is so confusing, just 67% of the websites WooRank reviews employ metadata or structured data. (Food for thought: The average WooRank score for websites using metadata is 71.3, compared to the general average of 67.1.)

Structured data: what is it?

A voicemail left for someone is a simple example of structured data that is straightforward to interpret. An example of an unstructured statement might be, "Clark called at 2 p.m. to inquire about invoice payment." This is because the data is not classified. This statement is incomprehensible to machines.

A robot trying to interpret unstructured data

There would be distinct categories like as time, caller, and message if this data were organized.

Caller Name; Call Time; Reason for Calling Clark at 2:00 PM; Payment of Invoice

Machines may start to comprehend the content when data is organized in this manner, utilizing fields that are often used.

A robot that reads organized data

Finding organized data is simpler than finding unstructured data. In this case, how simple would it be to get a thousand unstructured messages like this one?

The same applies online as well. Access to structured or organized data is simple.

Google and Structured Data

Structured data is described as a standard for giving details about a web page and categorizing its content in the Google Developer Guide. Furthermore, Google obviously loves organized data.

Thanks to structured data, Google can comprehend the content of a page. Consider a product page seen on an online store. This page will provide details on the product, such






When it comes to unstructured data, Google is unsure of what data is what. Adding markup takes care of it. Furthermore, by comprehending a page's content, Google is able to enrich its search results with more details.

Features of Google SERPs

There is more to Google searches than simply "10 blue links" and sponsored advertisements. There are several items in search results:

knowledge graph card

rich excerpts



The term "search engine results page" (SERP) features refers to these many kinds of results.

This is a detailed excerpt about an Amsterdam hotel:

Rich Snippet from Hotel

This is how WooRank appears when you search for "woorank" and see sitelinks:

Sitelinks from WooRank in SERP

These two results—one with and one without the breadcrumb feature—are compared:

a little breadcrumb

And here is a Knowledge Graph panel displaying data from the structured data on the website:

Google Knowledge Graph for iRobot

Rich snippets are a fantastic method to draw attention to your content since they occupy more space in search results and draw the user in other ways. Because SERP features often have greater CTR and higher rankings in search results, they aid in increasing website traffic.

How is structured data read by Google?

As we previously discussed, the way structured data works is by labeling web pages with established, accepted methods of identifying information. Returning to your basic call recording example, these approaches would be comparable to various table column name conventions.

Thus, "caller name," "call time," and "reason for calling" may be used in a standard:

Caller Name; Call Time; Reason for Calling Clark at 2:00 PM; Payment of Invoice

Different terminology may be used by another standard to organize its data.

Clark, the interrogator's time purpose, 2 p.m. payment of invoices

Search engines on the Internet employ two sets of terms to determine the context and meaning of online pages: To provide a common framework for structured data, Google, Bing, and Yahoo founded in 2011. Later, they signed up for Yandex, the biggest search engine in Russia. Apple also suggests to developers.

Microformats: Designed to make online material more legible for humans, microformats make use of already-existing HTML or XHTML elements to provide further context.

It is necessary to encode or incorporate these terms "both and microformats" on a website. Syntax or a format is used for this. Structured data may be added to a page in three different formats:

One of the most significant features of JSON-LD is that it can be dynamically added to the page using JavaScript, Google Tag Manager, or a CMS widget/plugin. JSON-LD is also known as "Linked DataShort for "JavaScript Object Notation," and it is simply JavaScript embedded in a <script> tag in the page. This markup is added to the page head or body, not around the actual text on the page.

Microdata: An HTML standard that may be placed to the top of a page or used to mark up the actual text on the page, microdata employs tag attributes to indicate the features of the data you wish to format.

RDFA, short for "Resource Description Framework in Attributes," is an HTML5 extension that supports linked data. Similar to microdata, RDFa can be used to annotate page content or added to the top of a page. Its main purpose is to highlight content that is visible to users and that you want search engines to understand.

In its Structured Data standards, Google expressly suggests utilizing JSON-LD; an additional benefit is that it may be applied to sites using Google Tag Manager.

Interestingly enough, microdata is the more often used syntax in real-world settings.

JSON-LD and in action and microformats don't operate that way, therefore at this point we have to abandon our basic caller example and utilize the company's contact information (really, let's use WooRank).

Go to the WooRank homepage, right-click, and choose View Page Source. Look for "ld+json" on the page to see and JSON-LD in action:

<script type=/ld+json/application'>


"@ref" : "" ,

"@type" : "organization" ,

"name" : "woorank" ,

"url" : "" ,

"like": [

"" ,

"" ,



"Address": ~

"@type" : "Postal Address" ,

"Street Address" : "Course Saint-Michel" ,

"AddressArea" : "Etterbeek" ,

"Postal Code" : "1040" ,

"Address" : "BE"




With WooRank's metadata tools, you may generate your own structured data in JSON-LD.

Why should organized data be used?

Google was first to announce that structured data is not taken into account when ranking search results on a page:

As far as I can recall, there is no overall ranking gain for using SD. That being said, SD may facilitate better understanding of the page's content and make it simpler to highlight where it is relevant (e.g., via enhanced targeting or possibly ranking for the proper phrases). (not new, imho)

- April 2, 2018 - John ðσϒ (@JohnMu)

Optimizing page load speeds or moving to HTTPS will have a greater influence on your results than adding to your website.

According to John, structured data assists by directing your content toward the appropriate audience throughout their internet searches.

Google bases its search ranking on three criteria:




Part 3: How relevant is your page to a user's query? Using structured data on your site to aid Google in its understanding

In this scenario, Google will recognize that your website is about "lasagna," but it won't know what that means in terms of relevancy to a specific search query. Keep in mind that our perplexed robot was attempting to read first:

A robot searching for pertinent information

If you include recipe markup in your content, Google will recognize that the page is about a lasagna recipe and will thus be relevant to users who are looking for lasagna recipes.

Robot locates pertinent structured data

Once again, although it helps, there's no assurance that your page will appear for "lasagna" inquiries.

Two excellent case studies from our friends at WordLift, a program that automatically adds structured data to your website, highlight the potential that structured data may have for your website:

Tao Roma, a blog on Tao health and martial arts, used structured data to improve the number of new Google users by 42%.

Following the addition of structured data to its content marketing, Salzburgerland Tourismus, a regional tourist agency in Austria, saw an almost twofold increase in Google traffic when compared to its rivals.

How to Make the Most of Structured Data for SEO

We now understand what structured data is, how it functions, why it's important to utilize it, and how to use it.

While RDFa, JSON-LD, and microformats are all acceptable formats, and and microformats are legitimate terminologies, the first step in incorporating structured data into your website is selecting a format and terminology. It is advised that you use JSON-LD to add markup to your pages.

Compared to other solutions, this one offers the following benefits:

Since search engines established, you can pretty much count on it being Google-friendly (or Bing- or Yandex-friendly). Microformats are based on pre-existing HTML elements, which Google could cease recognizing in the future.

Google Tag Manager (GTM) is one way to incorporate JSON-LD. It doesn't associate you with Google in any way, but it may lower the overall amount of code on a page, making it lighter and faster—both of which are beneficial to users and search engine optimization.

Even while it may seem overwhelming to see these markup opportunities, it doesn't have to be.

You may easily and simply integrate structured data into your website by taking a deliberate and well-thought-out strategy.

The primary stages are as follows:

1. Sort your pages into priority lists

Think about which pages on your website will matter most to your company both now and in the road. Here's a tip: start with structured data for your brand description, reviews, and items.

Naturally, your homepage should be your first stop, and your "money pages" are the ones that generate income for your company. Examples of these may include

The "Add to Shopping Cart" button on product pages

Contact form on a lead generation website

Pages with valuable content that generate a lot of impressions from ads

Your company strategy will determine exactly what format these pages take.

Here is the structured data for a page offering robot vacuums: By marking your product pages, you may assist prospective buyers discover more information about your items on the search results page, resulting in more qualified traffic.

Product information organized into rich snippeter

When you click on that website, the following markup will be seen on the page:

Product Code for Structured Data

2. Specify attributes unique to the that you are using

As we've covered, every kind of entity has certain characteristics that set it apart from the others. For this reason, you must describe these characteristics prior to coding.

An ingredient list, preparation time, dish rating, step-by-step directions, and nutritional data are a few examples of what could be included in a recipe.

Google's guide to labeling your content items outlines the content categories that might show as rich results, so keep in mind that not all assets are utilized by web crawlers just yet. Let's have a look at two common content types:

Informational: Content created with the intention of being heard, read, or shown. CreativeWork includes things like news stories, films, and recipes that fit within the type description.

Commercial: Content designed to achieve sales targets; this includes product and local company listings.

The rich results features that each form of material is eligible for are further explained in the book. For instance, articles may show up as rich results and in a carousel of top stories, but the Top Stories carousel requires that the content be published in AMP.

Make a spreadsheet with a row for each URL and columns for all the data items you want to have organized on the page. For a product page, for instance, the spreadsheet should include the following important product attributes:



overall assessment

quantity of evaluations

Vibrant hue

Picture URL

model number.

When writing an article, you should enumerate the qualities that are pertinent to the article schema:


subject or content theme

URL for the thumbnail picture

Any pictures or videos for the webpage

section heading

This will make the following step of integrating structured data much simpler and help you stay organized while you write your code.

3. Produce your organized information.

There are many excellent tools for creating, adding, and managing structured data on your site. Are available. Of course, you can write the code required to add structured data to your pages and add them manually to each page. If you really don't want to write a lot of code and especially don't want to waste your time copying and pasting it onto your pages,

How to Utilize Helper for Structured Data Markup

In the event that you lack the funds for one of the more expensive structured data tools, Google offers a very useful free tool that may generate the markup for your pages in a very quick and user-friendly manner. It also allows you to pick data using a point-and-click interface in accordance with the structure.

Highlighter for Structured Data Markup Assistance

Using Google's Helper for Structured Data Markup:

Go to the Structured Data Markup Helper on Google.

Choose "Website."

Choose a data type, then paste HTML source or the URI of the page you want to annotate.

Tap "Start Tagging" to begin a

As instructed by the program, highlight your data to tag it. To define a product, click on its name, price, picture, and overall rating, for example.

The markup appears in the tool's right pane as you add tags. Your content will be shown in the left pane.

Keep in mind that you can only annotate one page at once. You can only mark one article at a time, for instance, if you are marking an article.

Once your content type has been marked, choose "Create HTML".

Your structured data will appear to you as JSON-LD code. The "JSON-LD" button above the produced code gives you the option to convert to microdata.

You may either download the code from the tool or copy it into a plain text file.

Press "Finish."

Next, you will update your page using JSON-LD microdata. Your website and CMS configuration will determine exactly how you handle this.

You may do this for a WordPress site by making changes to the header.php file and page template, but we do not advise using that approach. You may alter each page's header section using a plugin that is accessible.

You must make sure the code works after adding your JSON-LD or microdata to your website.

Go to the Structured Data Testing Tool on Google.

Paste the URL of your page here.

Select "Run Test" from the menu.

Google Tool for Testing Structured Data

The things they looked for on the page and the raw page code will be shown on the left side of the results:

Results of the Structured Data Testing Tool

As you can see, structured data is really fairly manageable for everyone, even if it may first look extremely complicated and challenging to execute. Structured data may be easily and quickly used for your website with the correct preparation and resources.

How to Spot and Correct Inaccuracies in Structured Data

Even well-laid ideas might go wrong and leave your sites with annoying incorrect markup. Using structured data testing tools on your websites is crucial because of this.

faults should be found as soon as possible, even if it might be annoying when tools indicate faults on your website. And you may simply correct your mistakes if you work properly and take your time.

Locating Errors in Structured Data

The Structured Data Markup Helper from Google is most likely the simplest tool to use when looking for structured data issues. But it's a good idea to utilize the Search Console as well. You can see the structured data that search engines have discovered on your website as well as any markup mistakes that might prevent your content from appearing in rich results on search engine results pages (SERPs) on the structured data page of the Search Console.

It's crucial to remember that Search Console's structured data items list just the top-level things on your webpages. As an example, a containing a will only display the event because the latter is a "higher level" entity that comprises other entities such as the location or venues, time, day, or date.

Making Use of Search Console

Although you may utilize the Search Console, the most effective and user-friendly tool for validating your markup is the Structured Data Testing tool.

Open your Search Console account and log in

Access the Enhancement Report by scrolling to the bottom of the page.

You may see in this report when rich results for events, recipes, and job ads appear on your sites. Regretfully, the new Search Console only supports only three categories of structured data at this time. Fortunately, reports with structured data are still available in the previous Search Console UI.

This report will provide a list of all structured data types that are present on your website and any code problems that you may have found:

Search Console reports with structured data

Why aren't rich results coming from your structured data?

Google makes a choice in a black box on what it believes would best match the user's search intent before displaying rich results for a given search query. Although it's not a guarantee, structured data aids Google in finding information to provide better results. Google will display the old blue link, URL, and description if it determines that the conventional search result is the most relevant.

Take note of these typical structured data mistakes that Search Console reports:

Namespace errors: When you type the incorrect URL in your structured data code, you get errors in this category. Erroneous capitalization, missing slashes, and the use of "www" are common mistakes.

Undefined properties and objects: These include typographical mistakes, erroneous capitalization, and properties like postID that aren't in the vocabulary.

Leaving out crucial details like the author and title

Additional structured data problems that might keep your sites from showing up as rich results"

Invalid microdata or JSON-LD code. These kinds of problems should be identified using structured data testing tools so you can pinpoint the specific cause of the error.

Because structured data on a website is either blocked by a robots.txt file or has a noindex tag, Google is unable to access it.

For example, adding product overall rating markup to a non-product page is an example of structured data being deceptive since it does not truly represent what the primary content of the page is about.

Breaking the Quality Guidelines of Google

Moreover, there are additional problems with structured data that go against Google's "quality guidelines"; that is, even while the data has been incorporated properly technically, there are problems with relevance or quality.

Outdated material: This is especially important for pages with topical content, like news and current affairs websites. Google won't display an outdated page as a rich result.

If you include information about a person or product in your JSON-LD markup, that person or product has to be specified in the Content. Otherwise, consumers cannot see the markup information on the page.

Using jargon that isn't necessary or clear. Honest, unpaid evaluations of products should be posted. A how-to book about changing your oil shouldn't be labeled with recipe terms.

Incomplete markup: You should make sure you're include all the information required for Google's rich results. For instance, employment sites with comprehensive wage information are better for users than those without. The more information you supply on a page, the higher quality Google believes it to be.

Marked pictures must be associated with the content of the page; that is, if an image isn't connected to the primary content, don't mark it in the header, footer, or sidebar.

Multiple things may be marked up on a single page (for example, a resource list or a page with text and video). However, this means that you have to mark every item that is important, thus for example, if you have a list of objects, you have to mark every object in the list, not just the one you wish to emphasize.

Correcting Errors in Structured Data

"Missing elements" should be the simplest mistakes to correct; you can easily remedy this problem by going back via the Structured Data Markup tool or any other structured data tool you're using. This is the order in which you should address your structured data errors.

Execute it on Your Own

When you sit down and really get it, applying and comprehending structured data is really something you can do your own work. If you haven't taken the time to recognize structured data and its role in your website and search engine optimization, it maybe initially seem like a complicated mess. With a lot of various expressions that may sound like jargon.

You can claim rich snippets and other SERP elements for yourself and make your website more necessary for your audience when they search on Google with just a little preparation, work, and study.

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