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Two-year BED program closed in 2024

Two-year BED program closed in 2024

Two-year BED program closed in 2024
Two-year BED program closed in 2024

Two-year BED program closed the 2 year B.Ed. degree category; you must now complete a 4 year course to become a teacher.

Two-year BED course closed Right now To become a teacher, one must complete a new course since the B.Ed. program has been closed for the last two years.

You are going to have a major shock if you are considering a career in teaching as well.

The government has closed the special B.Ed. course for the last two years.

ICI has now issued an order in this respect.

A four-year special B.Ed. course has begun; starting in 2024, a four-year integrated B.Ed. degree will be required.

There used to be a two-year B.Ed program to become a teacher.

most recent revision

A four-year program has been launched to prepare students to become teachers in lieu of the two-year B.Ed. degree, which was previously offered.

Currently, the Teacher Education Program, a 4-year integrated study, requires a B.Ed. to become a teacher.

Another name for this course is ITB.

The student will save a year if they complete this course following their 12th class.

This course will be finished in four years as opposed to the five years that the B.Ed. now requires.

Closed two-year B.Ed. programme

According to the circular, ICI Member Secretary Vikas Trivedi said that NCTE has chosen to maintain the four-year B.Ed. program under the Integrated Teachers Education Program under NEP 2020.

In light of this, ICI has also chosen to offer a four-year B.Ed program.

Only four-year B.Ed. programs will be accepted for the next session.

The specialized B.Ed degree trains teachers to instruct students with disabilities as well.

The unique requirements of children with disabilities are taken into consideration while providing this instruction.

There are additional classes available for those who are deaf, hard of hearing, visually impaired, mentally challenged, and disabled.

The two-year Special B.Ed. course has been closed as of next year, and those who have previously completed it will still be eligible.

Thus, individuals who have completed a two-year special B.Ed. program up to this point will be acknowledged.

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