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Kejriwal met with his ministers to talk about budget planning

Kejriwal met with his ministers to talk about budget planning

Kejriwal met with his ministers to talk about budget planning
Kejriwal met with his ministers to talk about budget planning

This will be Atishi's debut budget presentation; she is the finance portfolio holder and the tenth budget of the Kejriwal administration.

The Chief Minister also spoke about how much money is needed for certain budgetary programs.

The administration stated in a statement that Arvind Kejriwal, the chief minister of Delhi, met with his ministers on Saturday to talk about the budgetary arrangements for 2024–25. According to the statement, the chief minister gave his ministers instructions to expedite budget preparations and assign departments a priority within a week so that decisions could be made at the next meeting.

It is anticipated that the budget would prioritize infrastructure, water, energy, health, and education. The statement went on to say that positive suggestions would be incorporated and that stakeholders' comments about the budget ideas will be considered. It said that the budget priorities would be decided in a meeting of ministers and officials next week, which will be chaired by the chief minister. The statement claims that Kejriwal gave the education minister Atishi and the health minister Saurabh Bhardwaj instructions to draft a strategy for new initiatives to establish the Delhi government's health and education model.

During the discussion, topics like urban growth, highways, and water supply were also covered. The Chief Minister also spoke about how much money is needed for certain budgetary programs. This will be Atishi's debut budget presentation; she is the finance portfolio holder and the tenth budget of the Kejriwal administration. The last budget was themed "Clean, Beautiful and Modern Delhi" and included a whopping Rs 78,800 crore in funding.

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