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In the Republican primary in New Hampshire, Donald Trump triumphs against Nikki Haley

In the Republican primary in New Hampshire, Donald Trump triumphs against Nikki Haley

In the Republican primary in New Hampshire, Donald Trump triumphs against Nikki Haley
In the Republican primary in New Hampshire, Donald Trump triumphs against Nikki Haley

At 8:00 p.m. on Tuesday, the Associated Press declared a tie for Trump. By around 7.2 percentage points, he was ahead of Haley with roughly 19% of the ballots tallied. The AP has quickly endorsed the Republican candidate for the second time in a row.

It seems like Donald Trump will emerge victorious from the Republican primary in New Hampshire ahead of Nikki Haley.

Donald Trump, the former president, stunned Nikki Haley, his lone serious opponent, by winning the New Hampshire primary, solidifying his status as the Republican Party's front-runner.

At 8:00 p.m. on Tuesday, the Associated Press declared a tie for Trump. By around 7.2 percentage points, he was ahead of Haley with roughly 19% of the ballots tallied. The AP has quickly endorsed the Republican candidate for the second time in a row.

Trump's win in New Hampshire follows his resounding triumph in Iowa, and it delivered Haley a blow ahead of her home state of South Carolina's primary on February 24. As to the RealClearPolitics polling average, Trump has a current lead of around thirty points over Haley.

The superpolitical Make America Great Again Inc. CEO, Taylor Budovich, released a statement saying, "It's time for unity, it's time to fight back toward the Democrats, and for Nikki Haley: it's time to get out." Action Committee supporting the president.

Should the former president triumph, Trump could be able to call off the contest for the nomination and proceed with a general election against President Joe Biden. Even while a number of legal issues, including four criminal charges, threaten to sidetrack him on the campaign trail, Tuesday's results get him one step closer to that objective.

Although Haley's backers claim she can continue competing even in the event of a loss, her setback raises concerns about how long she can stay in the race. Donors put pressure on Haley to do well in New Hampshire before the election.

Voters turned out in big numbers, creating lengthy lines at several polling locations. This figure might surpass the 322,000 predicted by the Secretary of State of New Hampshire, setting a record for a Republican presidential primary.

Before the election, Trump was regularly ahead of Haley in pre-primary surveys. His three main opponents were US Senator Tim Scott of South Carolina, businessman Vivek Ramaswamy, and Florida Governor Ron D. was strengthened by assistance.eSantis. The fight to be seen as Trump's most formidable opponent went to DeSantis.Veshe, but in Iowa he placed second, and in New Hampshire he was ousted first.

Haley concentrated her campaign on the Granite State, where she was successful in winning over voters with her moderate approach and the endorsement of the state's well-liked governor, Chris Sununu. Additionally, Americans for Prosperity, a powerful political action organization connected to billionaire Charles Koch, backed him by spending millions on campaign advertisements and voter turnout.

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