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In FY2015, the government wants to produce 186.63 metric tons of coal from commercial mines

In FY2015, the government wants to produce 186.63 metric tons of coal from commercial mines

In FY2015, the government wants to produce 186.63 metric tons of coal from commercial mines
In FY2015, the government wants to produce 186.63 metric tons of coal from commercial mines

The coal ministry's public sector company, Coal India Ltd., said on January 8 that it intends to increase coal output via mining developers-co-operators (MDOs).

Approximately fifty captive/commercial coal mines are in operation as of December 31, 2023; of them, 32 are devoted to the power industry, 11 to the unregulated industry, and seven to coal sales.

The coal ministry released a statement on January 8 stating that the government intends to generate 186.63 million tonnes (MT) of coal for fiscal year 2024–25 only from captive or commercial coal mines.

Approximately fifty captive/commercial coal mines are in operation as of December 31, 2023; of them, 32 are devoted to the power industry, 11 to the unregulated industry, and seven to coal sales. "Within three and a half years of the initiation of auction of commercial coal mines in 2020, six mines possessing a cumulative peak rated capacity (PRC) of 14.87 MT have already started manufacturing," one must the ministry said.

It is planned to raise production to 225.69 million tons in the fiscal year 2025–2026. The ministry's current plan is that by FY 2029–2030, the target output from these mines will be 383.56 MT.

The total amount of coal produced by commercial and captive mines in December 2023 was 14.04 MT, which was 38% more than the 10.14 MT produced in the same month the previous year.

Between April 1, 2023, and December 31, 2023, there was a notable rise in the production and shipment of coal from both captive and commercial coal blocks. The total amount of coal produced by both commercial and captive mines between April 1, 2023, and December 31, 2023 was 98 metric tons, according to the report.

With MDO, Coal India boosted output.

On January 8, the coal ministry's public sector company, Coal India Limited (CIL), said that it intends to increase coal output via mining developers-co-operators (MDOs).

MDOs extract coal and provide it to the coal firms in accordance with the authorized mining plan. Mutually beneficial technology, financially sustainable operations, and higher productivity are all brought forth by MDOs. These commercial businesses also construct the supporting infrastructure in mining operations since the contracts they are granted are long-term. They support matters related to land acquisition, green clearing, rehabilitation and resettlement (R&R), and collaboration with state and federal pollution boards.

With 15 MDO projects totaling 173 MT of rated capacity annually, CIL hopes to put them into action. With a total rated capacity of 57 MT annually, it has already begun operating in four projects. Contracts have also been granted for nine projects totaling 83 MT of rated capacity annually.

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