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Immigration: Why and where are Indians relocating?

Immigration: Why and where are Indians relocating?

Immigration: Why and where are Indians relocating?
Immigration: Why and where are Indians relocating?

India has historically played a significant role in international migration, with the US, UK, Australia, and Canada being the most sought-after locations for those looking for employment and citizenship chances in addition to students. In 2023, where are the Indians going? In 2024, will the migration graph change?

India has always played a significant role in international migration. A Ministry of External Affairs study states that there are about 32.3 million overseas citizens of India (OCIs) residing outside of India, including overseas Indians, and 18.68 million people of Indian origin (PIOs) and 13.6 million non-resident Indians (NRIs). the biggest diaspora in the world. The largest number of migrants in the world, 2.5 million Indians (25 lakh) go overseas annually.

India is expected to be the main migration source to Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) nations in 2021 and 2022, according to the International Migration Outlook 2023.

Indians are moving where?

For many years, Indians relocating for employment, education, or citizenship have had little option but to settle in the United States, United Kingdom, France, United Arab Emirates, Singapore, Canada, and Australia.

"It is anticipated that in 2023, the number of Indian immigrants to nations like the US would remain high. Due to the size of the US economy, the US statistic is far greater than the UK's. According to data published by the UK Office for National Statistics in November 2023, Indians (253,000) were the most common non-EU nationality to immigrate to the UK. The number of Indian immigrants to Canada in the first half of 2023 was 84,000. Indian migration to the European Union (EU) has increased gradually since 2008, although it is still less than that of Indians migrating to English-speaking nations, according to Yash Dubal, director and senior immigration associate at AY&J Solicitors in London, UK.

However, things might change. "In the UK, the government is currently introducing measures to substantially lower the number of migrants traveling to the UK, as the latest figures show that the net migration was at a historic high point of 745,000 for 2023," Dubal said. Given Australia's recent announcement of its new migration plan, Indian immigration patterns may shift by 2024.

HNWIs are moving where?

Around 7,500 HNWIs departed India in 2022, and another 6,500 were expected to do so in 2023, according to the Henley Private Wealth Migration Report (final migration data have not been disclosed yet). The United States will be the top option for traveling west, with Dubai and Singapore being attractive nearby locations. Older and more mature Indian HNWIs choose Europe, the United Arab Emirates, and Singapore, while younger, educated, and long-term US residents like the EB-5 program.

Dubai is becoming more and more popular among Indian high net worth individuals (HNWIs) because to its secure environment, booming business ecosystem, favourable tax climate, and government-managed Golden Visa program. Another important factor is proximity (it's a 3.5-hour flight from India).

Agreements on migration and mobility with India have recently been struck by Portugal, Germany, and Austria. Migration trends may alter as a result of these agreements.

What is the destination of Indian students?

For many nations, India continues to be their top student sending market. According to a report on Indian student mobility published by University Living, Beyond Beds and Boundaries: Indian Student Transportation Report 2023, the number of Indian students engaged in study abroad programs is predicted to rise from around 1 million in 2019 to 2 million by 2025. According to the research, direct Indian student expenditure on study abroad was US$47 billion in 2022; at the present pace of development, this amount is predicted to increase to US$70 billion by 2025.

Indian students are still drawn to the United States, United Kingdom, Canada, and Australia since they are historic leaders in international education.

Indian students obtained approximately 143,000 study visas in the year ending June 2023, making up 42% of all graduate route grants in the UK.

Indian undergraduate enrollment in the US has increased by 63 percent to 165,936 students, while the number of Indian foreign students studying abroad has increased by 35 percent to a record 268,923 in 2022–2023.

In the first eight months of 2023, there was a 34 percent increase in the number of Indian students in Australia, which was another notable gain. About 320,000 Indian students have current study visas as of the end of December 2022, accounting for 39.5% of all international students living in Canada. Number of Enrolled (University Living, Source).

Other Places to Study Abroad: While traditional study abroad locations are still well-liked, are there any new places that are getting attention?

The goal of hosting 30,000 Indian students in France by 2030 is being aggressively pursued. The number of Indian students studying in Germany has increased dramatically over the last four years, rising by 107%. Germany is renowned for its affordable tuition and top-notch educational program. additionally in Spain Indian students are becoming more numerous; in only three years, the number of foreign students studying in Spain has grown by over 12%, according to Saurabh Arora, the CEO and founder of University Living.

These aren't the only places that are becoming popular. Singapore's popularity as a center for education is shown by its quick rise from 1,500 to 10,000 Indian students in only one year, from July 2021 to March 2022. The rising number of Indian students in Dubai is a reflection of the expanding educational options in the country, particularly in basic and secondary school.

"New Zealand and Ireland are also seeing a surge in admission of Indian students," Arora said.

Malta may come as a major surprise. Arora claims that the English language teaching industry in Malta is making good progress in making up for the losses brought on by the epidemic. The overall number of student weeks in 2022 exceeded that of any previous year, including 2019. Despite a 103% rise in enrollment in 2021, pre-pandemic levels are still not reached.

greatest number of Indian expatriates

The United States of America, United Arab Emirates, Malaysia, Saudi Arabia, Myanmar, Canada, Australia, United Kingdom, South Africa, and Singapore are the top ten nations outside of India with the greatest Indian population.

giving up Indian citizenship

The greatest number of Indian nationals to renounce their citizenship in the last 12 years was 2,25,620 in 2022. 87,026 Indians have renounced their citizenship by June 2023. These people moved to 135 different nations. The yearly statistics before to the epidemic was less than 1.5 lakh, but 2022 witnessed a dramatic increase as 225,620 persons renounced their citizenship as a result of the pandemic, according to the Ministry of External Affairs.

Dual citizenship is prohibited in India, and data on citizenship renunciation shows how many persons during this time obtained citizenship in other nations.

Why are Indian HNWIs traveling overseas? It is anticipated that the number of high net worth people (HNWIs) in India would increase from about 800,000 in 2022 to 1.65 million by 2027. Additionally, some of them could be considering leaving the nation shortly. However, why do they roam?

The main reasons are that foreign passports offer greater mobility (the Indian passport is ranked 80th in the Henley, who Passport Index 2023, along with Senegal as well as Togo, which has visa-free access to 57 countries), that India's tax regime is regarded as severe, that remittance regulations are strict, and that higher standards of living exist in some countries, including better health and education, more dependable infrastructure, cleaner air, and a better overall lifestyle. The primary motivation for Indians to go abroad is improved educational possibilities for their children.

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