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CFA Exam: How to Grow in the Financial Industry

CFA Exam: How to Grow in the Financial Industry

A financial or investment professional may get the CFA charter designation by passing the Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA) test. One of the most prestigious titles in the finance sector, it requires a great deal of test preparation. This post explains the CFA test, how you can use it to further your career, and how to be ready to take it.

The CFA Charter: What Is It?

The CFA Institute grants the CFA Charter as a professional distinction to those who demonstrate proficiency in wealth management and financial analysis. Despite being referred to as a "charter," this title is the equivalent of a certification in the wealth management field. Charter holders must complete three exams and have the necessary work experience in order to be eligible for the award.

At investment firms or publicly traded corporations that provide financial research, portfolio management, investment consulting, risk analysis, and risk management, obtaining the CFA charter is often a prerequisite for holding top positions. A certified financial advisor (CFA) primarily deals with corporate investment possibilities, as opposed to a certified financial planner (CFP), who works with individual customers.

Fundamental prerequisites consist of:

a bachelor's degree, or the intention to finish school in more than 11 months

four thousand hours of relevant job experience over the course of at least three years

Live in a nation that accepts the CFA

pass three exams in a row.

What is the test for CFAs?

The CFA Institute offers three progressively difficult tests as part of its CFA program: Levels I, II, and III. You have to pass the previous level and complete specific tasks in order to advance to the next one. To pass each level of the exam, candidates must study for more than 300 hours, according to the CFA Institute.

A wide range of subjects are covered in the curriculum, giving financial and investment professionals the chance to showcase their pertinent expertise. The foundations of asset appraisal, portfolio management, wealth planning, and investment instruments are tested on the tests.

Every test has two sessions that are planned to take place on the same day. It is advisable to answer every question since you won't be punished for providing an incorrect response.

180 multiple-choice questions spread over two sessions of 135 minutes each make up the Level I test. You have around ninety seconds to respond to each question due to the time constraint.

The two 132-minute sessions of the Level II test have 88 multiple-choice questions and four to six sets of vignette item sets.

Eight to eleven narrative item sets comprising multiple choice and essay questions make up the Level III test. It is broken up into two 132-minute segments.

The Advantages of Passing the CFA Exam

The CFA test may be quite beneficial to your investment career if you're ready to put in the work and pass it, however it does demand a lot of work:

Improved career prospects: Due to their proven proficiency in financial analysis and investment management, CFA license holders are highly sought after by companies in the finance sector.

Higher earning potential: In the investing world, the CFA Charter is regarded as the gold standard. People from all around the globe are eligible to hold the charter since it is a worldwide certification.

Networking Possibilities: Upon passing the CFA test, you will join the CFA Institute and have access to more than 135,000 financial experts. You may network and perhaps find chances for roles you may not have previously explored thanks to this membership.

Possibilities for varied employment: A CFA may be employed in a variety of capacities, including risk management, portfolio management, and research analysis.

What is tested on the CFA exam?

Your comprehension of portfolio management, investment valuation, and the fundamentals of the instruments needed in a financial investment function are the main foci of the CFA test. Ten disciplines are covered in the curriculum, which are divided into four areas:

Professional and Ethical Guidelines

The Global Investment Performance Standards (GIPS) are among the professional standards that are relevant to investment professionals and are covered in the exam's Ethics and Professional Standards part. The code of financial behavior that professionals should follow while handling the financial assets of others is another topic covered in the questions.

financial instruments

In this field, there are three topics:

quantitative techniques

This section of the test gives you the chance to show off your proficiency with the analytical techniques needed to compute fixed income and manage stocks and portfolios. Time value of money, sampling and hypothesis testing, probability fundamentals and statistics, and correlation and linear regression analysis are more subjects. Probability theory and its use in calculating risk in order to make investment choices are also covered in this part.


This section of the test consists of questions covering fundamental ideas in macro- and microeconomic analysis as well as consumer behavior.Demand and supply for people and businesses. Measurement of total output and income, study of total supply and demand, and examination of economic growth drivers are all included in macroeconomics.

Analysis and Reporting of Financial Data

The cash flow statement, balance sheet, and income statement are the three primary financial statements that you must describe in this section. Along with demonstrating your knowledge of complex financial concepts including long-term assets, revenue recognition, taxes, and inventory analysis, you must also answer problems using ratios. You must use commonly recognized accounting principles, such as Generally recognized Accounting Principles (GAAP) and International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS), while responding to these questions.

Analysis and Management of Portfolios

In this field of study, there are two topics:

business issuer

Understanding and evaluating stakeholder management and corporate governance are the primary subjects of this section. It also discusses how businesses employ leverage and manage their working capital to fulfill short-term operational demands, as well as the influence of social and environmental factors in investment.

Planning for wealth and managing portfolios

Modern portfolio theory and capital asset pricing models are important subjects covered in the Level I test. The application of your understanding of risk and portfolio management, including return and risk assessment as well as portfolio planning and construction, is the main emphasis of Levels II and III.


This field of study covers the following four topics:

investment in equities

You must show your understanding of equity instruments and markets, as well as the methods and resources used to evaluate a business, in order to be employed as a financial and investment expert. You will often need to appropriately assess and evaluate firms in order to answer the questions in this area. This will show that you can use the relevant tools and procedures.

fixed earnings

Investment experts should also be knowledgeable with fixed income markets and the tools that are used in them. You will demonstrate your understanding of several fixed income securities and their features in this section. Convexity and yield measurement are two important ideas. Collateralized mortgage obligations, mortgage-backed securities, and other structured instruments are other areas of discussion.


Another topic included in the three tests is derivatives. Basic hedging strategies, options, futures, swaps, and forwards using derivatives are all covered in the questions. The aspects and principles of valuation needed to pursue commitments like futures, swaps, and contingent claims are covered. Concerns exist over the arbitrage that connects the price of the underlying asset to the derivative pricing.

alternative financial instruments

Venture capital, real estate, distressed securities, hedge funds, commodities, and tightly owned businesses are all covered in this area of the test. Make sure you familiarize yourself with contango, backwardation, and other ideas related to commodities investment while you study for the test.

preparing for the CFA test

Dedication and diligence are necessary throughout the CFA test preparation process. Examinees often devote 300–400 hours of study time before to the exam. It is advised by the CFA Institute to begin studying at least six months in advance, which would entail beginning in June or earlier than the December test date. Derivatives and fixed income portions are usually the most challenging.

$450 is the one-time enrollment cost for Level I testing. The cost of class registration varies based on the test and might be anywhere from $700 to $1,000.

Study Guide for the CFA Exam

Focus and time management skills are essential for studying. Concepts must be learned and internalized. When preparing for the CFA test, you may wish to think about the following advice:

Allocate a minimum of 12 to 15 hours each week for studying.

What study strategy works best for your learning style?

Make use of all the resources available, such as online courses and training.

Setting out time for study each week can help you stay focused and less likely to get sidetracked by work or personal commitments. If you are employed full-time, it could also be advantageous for you to take a leave of absence sometimes so that you can dedicate a week or two to studying for the test alone.

Everybody learns in a unique way. While some individuals like studying in the evening, others prefer studying in the morning. Instead of attempting anything new for the CFA test, stick to the study strategies that have helped you succeed in the past. Speak with others who have previously passed the test to see how it benefited their careers. By doing this, you might be reminded of the purpose of your study sessions.

Make use of the CFA Institute's study guides.

For those who are prepared to sit for the test, the CFA Institute provides a comprehensive selection of study and exam resources. An exceptionally helpful resource for examinees seems to be a compilation of learning outcome statements. Before the exam, go over these statements to gauge your level of preparation for the key subjects. The tools offered by the CFA Institute also include print and audio study guides for a variety of learning styles.

You know precisely what you need to prepare for since the test subjects are laid out in great detail. You shouldn't skip any subjects as they are all crucial to the exam's outcome. People do not study every subject as much as they should, which leaves them unprepared for certain exam portions. This is one reason why test failure rates are so high. One of the most crucial sections is Ethical and Professional Standards, therefore ignoring it might be detrimental.

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