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Arvind Kejriwal claims the BJP attempted to recruit seven AAP MLAs and made an offer of Rs. 25 crore to them

Arvind Kejriwal claims the BJP attempted to recruit seven AAP MLAs and made an offer of Rs. 25 crore to them

Arvind Kejriwal claims the BJP attempted to recruit seven AAP MLAs and made an offer of Rs. 25 crore to them
Arvind Kejriwal claims the BJP attempted to recruit seven AAP MLAs and made an offer of Rs. 25 crore to them

Arvind Kejriwal, the chief minister of Delhi, accused the BJP of attempting to overthrow the Delhi government by enticing seven AAP MLAs to defect by promising them Rs 25 crore.

Arvind Kejriwal, the chief minister of Delhi, said on Saturday that the BJP attempted to recruit seven MLAs from the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) to its side and made an offer of Rs 25 crore for them to change allegiance. He said that the BJP, which had purportedly threatened to have the chief minister of Delhi imprisoned in the liquor policy matter, had conned the AAP MLAs.

The AAP said that a tape recording of the BJP leader's talk exists.

They just got in touch with seven of our Delhi MLAs and threatened to arrest Kejriwal in the coming days. We will then break the MLAs after that. There has been discussion on the issue." conversing with other people. We will then overthrow Delhi's Aam Aadmi Party administration. You are welcome to attend as well. would donate Rs 25 crore and run for office under a BJP ticket.

According to the Chief Minister, despite the BJP's claims to have contacted 21 MLAs, our intelligence indicates that just 7 MLAs have been approached so far, and "all of them have refused".

Accusing the BJP of attempting to overthrow the AAP administration in Delhi because they are "powerless" to beat AAP in the polls, Kejriwal went on.

"This indicates that they are planning to overthrow the Aam Aadmi Party government in Delhi, not that I am being detained to look into any liquor fraud. They have been preparing to overthrow our administration for the last nine years."Numerous plots were conceived. However, they were unsuccessful.Achievement. Our constant supporters have been God and the people. Together, all of our MLAs are quite powerful. These people's evil plans will not succeed this time either."

These folks are aware of the extent of the government's contributions to the Delhi community. We have accomplished a great deal in spite of all the challenges they have caused. The AAP is very popular in Delhi. Therefore, it is their duty to oppose AAP. Simply said, it's not that throughout the election. Thus, Kejriwal said, "they want to overthrow the government by having him arrested under the guise of a bogus liquor scam."

Minister Atish of Delhi further charged the BJP of attempting to stir up political turmoil in the city.

"A BJP politician can be heard on the recording threatening to arrest AAP MLA Arvind Kejriwal. Arvind Kejriwal's administration will be overthrown and 21 MLAs purchased. Every AAP MLA has offered him They turned down the cash. This is how the BJP does things. The minister said, "They have overthrown governments in Madhya Pradesh, Karnataka, and Arunachal."

He said, "BJP keeps trying to overthrow the elected government when they cannot win elections."

The BJP refuted the claims.

BJP leader Kapil Mishra refuted the claims made by the chief minister of Delhi, saying, "Arvind Kejriwal is lying again as he has been doing for the last seven times."

"He has never once been able to provide the phone number, identity of the contact person, or location of the encounter. After making some comments, he just disappears, leaving his accomplices behind bars. Furthermore, he is avoiding ED summonses on several occasions since he is aware that he cannot respond to ED's inquiries, Mishra said.

The accusation from Arvind Kejriwal coincides with rumors that Bihar Chief Minister Nitish Kumar is getting ready to leave the Rashtriya Janata Dal (RJD), headed by Lalu Prasad Yadav, and join the BJP-led National Democratic Alliance (NDA).

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