AAP suffers major setback ahead of the Haryana elections as Ashok Tanwar joins the BJP
AAP suffers major setback ahead of the Haryana elections as Ashok Tanwar joins the BJP |
As the President of the Haryana Congress, Ashok Tanwar represented Hisar in the Lok Sabha. On October 5, 2019, he gave up his position as the Congress Party's main member. On April 4, 2022, he joined the Aam Aadmi Party."
In the presence of Anil Baluni and Chief Minister Manohar Lal Khattar, AAP Haryana Election Campaign Committee Chairman Ashok Tanwar and his followers joined the BJP on Saturday. At the Delhi headquarters of the BJP, he became a party member. We would like to inform you that on January 18, Ashok Tanwar resigned from the AAP's main membership. As the President of the Haryana Congress, Ashok Tanwar represented Hisar in the Lok Sabha.
"After joining the BJP, Ashok Tanwar said, 'Under PM Narendra Modi's leadership, the nation has seen a transformation in the previous ten years. The efforts made by Prime Minister Modi to elevate India to the top are impressive. As much as I can, I shall strive for nation building. In order to gain 400 Lok Sabha seats in 2024, we would collaborate with State President Naib Saini and Chief Minister Manohar Lal Khattar.
"Today is a big day for the BJP to expand its presence in the state of Haryana," Manohar Lal Khattar said. Ashok Tanwar, the head of the Aam Aadmi Party and a former state president of the Congress, has joined the BJP alongside his followers. He is related to me as a nephew. I'm from the same village as his mother. I was saddened by the attacks on him by Congressmen when he was a member of Congress. He wanted to join the BJP because he was tired with the Congress. After leaving the Congress, he foolishly joined the Aam Aadmi Party in April 2022 rather than the BJP. But he joined the BJP after his difficult time in the AAP."
On October 5, 2019, he gave up his position as the Congress Party's main member. In addition, he started his own party, although it was ineffective. He also spent some time in Mamata Banerjee's party, TMC. The Aam Aadmi Party welcomed him on April 4, 2022. Ashok Tanwar was hoped to be sent to the Rajya Sabha by the Aam Aadmi Party, if reports are to be believed. However, by sending ND Gupta to the Upper House, AAP dashed his aspirations. He had been becoming irate since then. He just got to know Manohar Lal Khattar, the Chief Minister. It was believed that he will shortly join the BJP and abandon the AAP after this. It was also authorized today.
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