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Statement from the Chief Minister of Rajasthan Real-time updates: The BJP will choose the state's new chief minister today

 Statement from the Chief Minister of Rajasthan Real-time updates: The BJP will choose the state's new chief minister today

Live Updates on Rajasthan CM Announcement: The Bharatiya Janata Party will name Rajasthan's new chief minister on Tuesday, ending the speculation over who would lead the state. Watch this space for the most recent announcement updates.

Live updates are announced by Rajasthan CM: The Bharatiya Janata Party's recently elected MLAs in Rajasthan will convene on Tuesday to make the ultimate choice for the state's future chief minister. The announcement of Rajasthan's new chief minister will come after today's meeting.

December 12, 2023, 11:45:51 A.M. IST

Live updates on the announcement made by the Chief Minister of Rajasthan: What time will the meeting begin?

Rajasthan Chief Minister's Statement Real-time updates: The BJP state headquarters will host a meeting of the Legislature Party on Tuesday at 4 p.m. All recently elected BJP MLAs would begin registering at 1:30 pm, according to Bhajanlal Sharma, the state general secretary of the party and an MLA, who told PTI on Monday.

Dec. 12, 2023, 11:34:22 IST

Live updates are announced by Rajasthan CM: Tuesday's BJP legislative party meeting is scheduled.

Rajasthan Chief Minister's live announcement update: The legislative party meeting of the Bharatiya Janata Party is scheduled on Tuesday. The party will name the state's new chief minister after the meeting.

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