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SIP Calculation: Learn how to obtain Rs 20 lakh by investing only Rs 25,000 a month

 SIP Calculation: Learn how to obtain Rs 20 lakh by investing only Rs 25,000 a month

SIP Calculation: Learn how to obtain Rs 20 lakh by investing only Rs 25,000 a month
 SIP Calculation: Learn how to obtain Rs 20 lakh by investing only Rs 25,000 a month

SIP Calculator: You may accumulate a sizable sum of money with long-term SIP investments. From a SIP of Rs. 25,000, you may earn Rs. 20 lakh for your daughter's marriage. With only one click, find out the whole computation.

Because your daughter is getting older, are you concerned about her getting married? It seems sense that you would be unable to avoid financial concerns in such a circumstance. Alternatively, you may begin investing right now. In the event of a future financial crisis or to cover your costs, you may invest in SIP. A systematic investment plan is known as SIP. SIP is the ideal choice if you wish to avoid making direct stock market investments. A certain amount must be placed into SIP at regular intervals. Learn how to use SIP to deposit a fund of Rs 20 lakh with a monthly contribution of Rs 25,000.

How to calculate how much is Rs 20 lakh.

The computation indicates that you would need to invest Rs 25,000 each month. This indicates that in a year, you will invest Rs 3 lakh. This will be a five-year commitment that you must make every month. Thus, over the course of five years, you will invest a total of Rs 15 lakh in SIP. Now imagine you obtain 12% yearly return on investment. Remember that you also gain from interest compounding. This implies that you may also earn interest on interest.

With your SIP investment, you would get a total interest of Rs 5,62,159. When the investment matures, you will get ₹ 20,62,159, which is the total of the investment plus interest.

Remember that investing in SIP requires long-term commitment in order to reap benefits. Changes in the stock market may have an impact on your SIP results. Please speak with your financial adviser before implementing this strategy.

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