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Shashi Tharoor has said that his last match would take place in 2024 and has advocated for young possibilities in elections

 Shashi Tharoor has said that his last match would take place in 2024 and has advocated for young possibilities in elections

Shashi Tharoor has said that his last match would take place in 2024 and has advocated for young possibilities in elections
Shashi Tharoor has said that his last match would take place in 2024 and has advocated for young possibilities in elections

However, Tharoor said that because this is politics, there is no final decision in this respect, while speaking to media on the sidelines of a Congress function here on Thursday.

Lok Sabha MP and member of the Congress Working Committee Shashi Tharoor discussed giving young people the chance to run for office while hinting that his forthcoming general election campaign from Thiruvananthapuram may be his last one in the seat.

However, Tharoor said that because this is politics, there is no final decision in this respect, while speaking to media on the sidelines of a Congress function here on Thursday.

"I think it's time to make room for younger people at some point," he said. And I'm thinking that.

"Never say never" is another political catchphrase, he said.

In response to a query on remarks he had made on a previous television program, he reiterated that the Thiruvananthapuram seat Lok Sabha elections of 2024 could be his last contest.

"I never said," said Tharoor, "I think this will be my last election."

The head of the Congress said that if he were to run from Thiruvananthapuram, he would fight it as it was his last, full of energy and determination to serve the people's interests.

After entering politics ten years before, Tharoor secured the Thiruvananthapuram Lok Sabha seat in Kerala and made his debut in Parliament in the 2009 general elections with a resounding win.

By a massive margin of more than 95,000 votes, Tharoor defeated his closest CPI opponent P Ramachandran Nair in his first election contest.

Following this triumph, he easily won the Lok Sabha elections in 2014 and 2019, maintaining his control on this seat.

Prior to starting his political career, Tharoor was employed by the UN. In 2006, he officially ran for the position of UN Secretary-General on behalf of India, coming in second place out of seven contenders.

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