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In November, India's core sector growth dropped to 7.8%, a six-month low

 In November, India's core sector growth dropped to 7.8%, a six-month low

In November, India's core sector growth dropped to 7.8%, a six-month low
 In November, India's core sector growth dropped to 7.8%, a six-month low

The production of India's eight main industries increased by 8.6% year over year from April to November of 2022–2023 as opposed to 8.1% growth in the same period of 2022–2023.

India's eight main industries—coal, crude oil, natural gas, refined goods, fertilizer, cement, electricity, and steel—saw growth of 5.7% as of November 2022.

India's eight major industries had growth of 7.8 percent in November, according to figures issued by the Ministry of Commerce and Industry on December 29.

The eight major infrastructure sectors in India—coal, crude oil, steel, cement, electricity, fertilizer, refinery products, and natural gas—saw their lowest growth rate in six months last month, at 7.8%, which was also much less than 12.1 percent in October. The Commerce Ministry updated this percentage to 12.0 percent on December 29.

In November 2022, the production of eight key industries had grown by 5.7%.

The production of key industries increased by 8.6% year over year from April to November of 2022–2023 as opposed to 8.1% growth in the first eight months of 2022–2023.

The cement industry, whose production shrank 3.6% year over year after a staggering 17.4% surge in October, was mostly to blame for the slowdown in core sector growth in November.

The following is the performance of various sectors in November:

>> Compared to October, when it rose by 18.4%, coal output grew by 10.9%.

In October, there was a 0.4 percent decrease in crude oil output, compared to a 1.3 percent rise.

In October, natural gas output climbed by 9.9 percent; but, in November, it grew by 7.6%.

>> Refinery product production rose by 12.4% in October compared to a 4.2% rise in October.

>> Compared to October, when it rose by 5.3%, fertilizer production climbed by 3.4%.

Compared to October, when it climbed by 10.7%, steel production increased by 9.1%.

>> Compared to October, when it climbed by 20.3 percent, the output of electricity increased by 5.6%.

The production of the core sector as a whole increased by 7.8% annually in November, although it decreased by 3.4% from October. Actually, only the output of coal and refinery products increased in November compared to the previous month; the production of cement and power decreased by 13–14% month over month.

Because of the holiday season, there were fewer working days in November than in October, which helps to explain the production's progressive fall.

According to the Index of Industrial Production (IIP), the slowdown in core sector development in November indicates that industrial growth would also slow down after the publication of the data from the previous month on January 12.

"We anticipate a modest 2-4 per cent growth in IIP in November given the large number of factory holidays," ICRA Chief Economist Aditi Nair said.

Thanks to a strong foundation, India's IIP growth in October exceeded forecasts and reached a 16-month high of 11.7%, almost double the 6.2% rate from September. Eight fundamental industries account for almost 40% of the IIP's weight, making the former a crucial gauge of industrial expansion.

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