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For the first time, Prime Minister Modi used the AI technology "Bhasini." What does the term "Bhasini" mean?

 For the first time, Prime Minister Modi used the AI technology "Bhasini." What does the term "Bhasini" mean?

For the first time, Prime Minister Modi used the AI technology "Bhasini." What does the term "Bhasini" mean?
For the first time, Prime Minister Modi used the AI technology "Bhasini." What does the term "Bhasini" mean?

The first time PM Modi utilized the AI technology "Bhasini" was at the Kashi Tamil Sangamam event in Varanasi. AI 'Bhasini' real-time translated PM Modi's speech from Hindi into Tamil. It supports translation and multi-language communication in many Indian languages and makes use of AI-powered language transition technologies. According to PM Modi, this is a fresh start for making communication simpler. To find out how to use this tool,

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