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Drivers should be aware of the amount of a traffic challan that will be imposed for violating certain traffic laws

 Drivers should be aware of the amount of a traffic challan that will be imposed for violating certain traffic laws

Traffic Rules: Traffic Police has released a significant update for drivers. We will also inform you of the fines that will be imposed for violating certain traffic rules; please read the news for full details.

Following traffic laws is crucial, and everyone should do so. The New Motor Vehicle Act states that you, the owner of the vehicle, may be subject to significant fines if you drive without a valid driving license (DL), registration certificate (RC), insurance certificate, pollution certificate, permit certificate, or if you violate any other traffic laws.

This article will outline the fines associated with infractions of certain traffic laws. Additionally, you may prevent your pockets from becoming loose by remembering this.

This much in fines is assessed for breaking traffic laws.

An unregistered vehicle might cost you up to Rs 10,000 in fines. A 5000 rupee punishment will be imposed for driving without a driver's license (DL).

Driving without insurance carries a Rs 5,000 punishment. Other than this, three months in prison.

If a minor is caught driving, parents might face a punishment of Rs 25,000.

Riding a bike without a helmet carries a fine of Rs 1000.

Overspeeding carries a punishment of up to Rs 2000.

The penalty for not wearing a seat belt while driving is Rs 1000.

Overweighting the car carries a 5000 rupee punishment.

The penalties for driving without a permit is Rs 10,000.

Each rider would be required to pay Rs 1000 if more persons ride than are permitted.

A maximum 6-month prison sentence and a fine of Rs 10,000 may be applied to drunk driving. In addition to a two-year prison sentence, there is a potential punishment of Rs 15,000 for driving under the influence on your second offense.

These are important considerations for anybody purchasing a new car.

Let us inform you that a recently acquired automobile or motorcycle must receive a temporary registration number before leaving the showroom or vehicle dealership, according the Motor Vehicle Act. Driving a car without a registration number on public roadways is prohibited. It is important to remember that if you are apprehended by the traffic police after the temporary number plate's validity has expired, you, the owner of the car, may be required to pay a fine of up to Rs 5,000 or face having the vehicle seized.

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